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这样的舞台好像就是为了一决雌雄而准备的。The stage seemed set for a showdown.

许文强与丁力摊牌决裂。Xu Wenqiang and Ding showdown break.

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我们从没想到过要和任何人一决胜负。We never planned to have a showdown with anybody.

然后结局定会和反派功夫小子一决胜负。Then the final showdown with the bad kung fu kids.

这两位枪战高手在中午时出现,准备一较高下。The two gunfighters showed up at noon for a showdown.

意思是这两支球队正准备一决雌雄。The two teams are getting ready for a final showdown.

想穿上威武太空服与他们一决雌雄?Would like to put on their spacesuits mighty showdown?

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这两个对手最后肯定要一决雌雄。There's bound to be a showdown between these two rivals.

俄罗斯正在调兵遣将,要与格鲁吉亚再决胜负。Russia is mobilizing its troops for another showdown with Georgia.

二战期间美国投下两颗原子弹迫使对方摊牌。The US throwed two atomic bombs for force a showdown during the WWII.

在国会里共和党和民主党有个摩擦。There was a showdown between Republicans and Democratics in Congress.

梅斯·温杜和巴尔克展开决斗,但他们的个人摊牌没有持续多久。Mace Windu and Bulq battled, but their personal showdown was cut short.

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共和党可能赢得一决高下的话那在本届国会的。The GOP might win a showdown if it came to that in the current Congress.

那些没有爱的家伙们正在这美丽的舞会上孤注一掷搞破坏。The Ones who cannot hold love are having one last showdown at the hoe-down.

看来和本季即将上演的巫师大战一样,我们还有一场狼人争斗可以期待。Guess we'll be getting a werewolf showdown as well as a witch war this season.

巴基斯坦议员们和穆沙拉夫总统之间还有一场摊牌式的较量。Another showdown is looming between legislators and the president. The PPP and Mr.

艾顿通告他有三天的时间逃命,否则就是摊牌。He told him that he had three days to hightail it or there'd turn into a showdown.

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在重赛之前我们到米德兰平原做客面对阿斯顿维拉,这很困难。Ahead of the replay we travelled to the Midlands for a tough showdown with Aston Villa.

当众人看见耶稣和管会堂的人一决雌雄时,想像一下他们嬉笑的情景。Picture the smirks of people who saw the showdown between Jesus and the synagogue ruler.

一切到此为止了,正义和邪恶之间的终极之战进入到激动人心的结束时刻了!This is it, the ultimate showdown between good and evil comes to its thrilling conclusion!