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我是个少先队员。I am a Young Pioneer.

你是少先队员吗?Are you a Young Pioneer?

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他是反战争的先锋人物。And he is an antiwar pioneer.

西门子在亚洲市场上是个先驱者。Siemens was a pioneer in Asia.

他是先驱者和开路先锋。He is a pioneer and trailblazer.

服装的先锋表达。The pioneer expression of clothes.

拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生,一个文学先驱。Ralph Waldo Emerson. A literary pioneer.

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亚波罗必须在那里先起开垦的工作。Apollos must come there for pioneer work.

我看那得有点强烈的开拓精神。I guess it took a strong, pioneer spirit.

在美国,加利福尼亚州是一个开拓者。In the US, California has been a pioneer.

约翰-葛伦是太空施行的先驱者。John Glenn was a pioneer in space travel.

Vue7先锋号是学习3D的一个不错的选择。Vue 7 Pioneer is a great way to learn 3D.

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先锋电子。我是吴玛莉。Pioneer Electronics. This is Mary Wu spea.

他是率先创导这一方法的人。He acted as pioneer in proposing the method.

最后本文得出RFID是IT“尖兵”的结论。At last that RFID is IT Pioneer is concluded.

奥尔波特是人格心理学的先驱。Allport is a pioneer in personality psychology.

RACO是电子执行器真正的先驱。RACO is the true pioneer of electric actuators.

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贾思勰是一位有名的农学先驱。Jia Sixie is well-known as a pioneer in farming.

约翰·格伦是太空飞行的先驱者。PIONEER】John Glenn was a pioneer in space travel.

李大钊是中国革命的先驱。Li Dazhao was a pioneer of the Chinese revolution.