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这口井的钻具结构是什么?Whet is the BHA of this well.

高浓磨浆前的浆料浓缩。Pulp condense before H. C. whet syrup.

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这里有一个例子来满足你的好奇心。Here is an example to whet your appetite.

我敢肯定,这些菜能让他们大开胃口。I am sure this food will whet their appetites.

在琐碎中磨合到难以分离。Whet to match to the hard separation in the pettiness.

你会碰到一些合你胃口的东西。You'll come up with something that'll whet your appetite.

也只好耐着性子跟杨珩慢慢磨了。Also must bear a temperament heel Yang Heng to slowly whet.

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同时,莲雾还具有开胃、爽口、助消化等功能。It can relieve thirst, whet the appetite, promote digestion etc.

铝制件电镀质量的好坏,预处理是关键。Whet her electroplating quality is good or bad depends on pre-treatment.

岁月的磨难,丝毫没有磨去童年的梦。The years whet difficult, the slightest whetted to the dream of childhood.

开创者找寻的是伙伴,是那些懂得如何磨快镰刀的人。Companions, the creator seeketh, and such as know how to whet their sickles.

既然你把我的胃口吊起来了,那我明年夏天的旅游计划就安排去尼罗河!谢谢你给我讲的一切。That's my plan for next summer, now that you've whet my appetite! Thanks for.

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但我希望这些实例和比较能够吊起您寻找更多内容的胃口。But I hope these examples and comparisons whet your appetite to find out more.

可是我每天不停地磨呀磨,总有一天,我会把它磨成针的。However I keep whetting everyday ah whet, one day there will, I will whet it needle.

奔驰车在马路上形成的风景线还刺激了这个城镇购买更多豪华车的欲望。The sight of Mercedes on the roads also whet the town's appetite for more luxury cars.

我愤愤的磨着牙,对着头顶地花瓣甩出一根青藤。I angrily whet a tooth and toward altitude of brain ground flower petal to jilt a green rattan.

他们磨舌如刀,发出苦毒的言语,好像比准了的箭。Who whet their tongue like a sword, and bend their bows to shoot their arrows, even bitter words

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随着我对魏特琳身世的进一步了解,每一个新的发现都会激励我想了解有关她更多细节的兴趣。As I dug deeper into her life, each new revelation only served to whet my appetite for more details.

白玉堂继续再电话里和唐继龙磨着嘴皮子道。The white jade hall continues tel again inside and Tang whet the mouth skin son way after the dragon.

为了满足网站读者的好奇必,我在这里先列出几条关于如何令代码变得更加可测试的看法To whet your readers' appetite, let me throw in a few thoughts on how to make your code more testable