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让我们看看结果是怎么样的。It's kind of interesting. Whoops.

它还告诉我这个数组是回文的?And now let's do one, a, two. Whoops.

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哎吆!那是个潜意识的暗示吗?不!WHOOPS ! Is that a subliminal hint? NO!

如果你有犯罪记录,唉,你没戏了。If one of you has a criminal record, whoops.

生病婴儿的喘息声把我们弄醒了。We were awakened by the whoops of the sick baby.

天呐,顺便说下,你们在讲义上可以看得到。Whoops. You had these in the handout, by the way.

并且通过声明--如果我--天呐。And initializes it by saying, if I get I -- whoops.

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可一到丹佛,他们就开始唱歌和叫喊,庆祝自己顺利抵达。But once they hit Dover, they celebrated their arrival with songs and whoops.

如果我们想画他,哎呀,它看起来有点像那个某个东西。Well, if we wanted to draw that, we have HF, whoops --It looks something like that.

首先取个猜想数,然后,嗯,去取猜想数那儿的切线。The basic idea is, you take a guess and you -- whoops -- and you find the tangent of that guess.

对不起我没听清,我可以求x的平方,但是好像这里我做点简单的,改动就可以解决问题了。Pardon? I could square x but maybe I should just do something pretty simple here. Suppose-- whoops.

成年鬣狗的叫声较低沉,而在水牛被杀地的幼仔发出的“呜呜”声却十分尖锐。The voices ofadults are deep, but the whoops emitted by the cubs at this buffalo kill werevery high-pitched.

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他被帮助着费力地坐进扶手椅,在持续不断的掌声和呼喊中他抬起了手习惯性挥舞。He was helped painstakingly into an armchair and he raised his hand in a familiar wave as the applause and whoops continued.

不管怎样,在水牛被杀地的幼仔以半秒不到的间隔急促地发出“呜呜”叫声,它们极度兴奋。However, the cub whoops at this buffalo kill came rapid-fire, with hardlyhalf a second between them, so the cubs were extremely excited.

我最喜爱的“呜呜”声来自于一只叫“帕瓦罗蒂”的公鬣狗,之所以这么称呼是因为它从远处传来的呼唤听起来格外悦耳。My personal favorites are the whoops produced by amale named “Pavarotti, ” so called because his long distance call isexceptionally musical.

乔治·奥斯本在2006年公布“爱尔兰救助方案,”“这为可能实施的长期经济政策做了一个光辉的榜样。”“Ireland, ” declared George Osborne in 2006, “stands as a shining example of the art of the possible in long-term economic policymaking.” Whoops.

旅游卫视内部也是议论纷纷,但任职公函至今未发,大多数人只是耳闻得知。The traveling health regards the interior is also whoops , but the assignment official letter has not sent until now, most people only hear knowing.

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我邻座的西伯利亚壮汉喝了一下彩,又喝了一口他带上飞机的威士忌说,“我们飞向炎热的热带啦!”The burly Siberian sitting next to me whoops with delight and takes another swig from the bottle of whisky he'ss brought on board. "We're flying into tropical heat!

然后,灯光暗去和“生于这条道路”袭来的时候,与前嘴男模特走下跑道在百货公司的最好到哎呦和欢呼声从人群。Then the lights went down and "Born This Way" came on, and the top-billed male models came down the runway in the department store's finest to whoops and cheers from the crowd.