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他所易犯的毛病就是懒惰。His besetting sin is laziness.

诚信成为困扰房地产业的难题之一。Integrity has become one of the problems besetting the industry.

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粮食危机、能源危机、金融危机困扰着当前世界。Food crisis, energy crisis, the financial crisis besetting the world.

纳木错如镶嵌在藏北草原上的一面巨大宝镜。Namucuo is a large precious mirror besetting on Northern Tibet Grassland.

这个问题使我感到困窘不安,我回答说懒惰是我的主要癖好。Abashed at this question, I answered that sloth was my besetting temptation.

可喜的是,他们这几年的过错,也许终于可以成为历史了。Complacency, their besetting sin in recent years, may finally be a thing of the past.

这明显说明困扰市场和美国经济的问题存在于其它方面。That strongly suggests the problem besetting the markets and the economy lie elsewhere.

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他们大约每年来一次,主要是帮助叔叔减轻一些困扰的孤独。They came at least once every year or so, mainly to help Uncle cope with his besetting loneliness.

包围着这位女士的潜在危险,当然是,一个思考他那顺从的兄弟的话题。The potential danger besetting the Lady is certainly a subject of some concern for her dutiful brothers.

一个评级机构下调美国信用评级掩盖了困扰全球经济的真正问题。America's downgrade by a single ratings agency obscures the real problems now besetting the global economy.

但正是在厄运不断的时候,这些花朵在明亮的光线下开始显露出面容,展示着迷人的风彩。But it is just in this besetting dinginess that flowers begin to show their faces in bright and fascinating glory.

帮助自杀的定性是一个争议已久的问题,一直困扰着理论界和司法界。It's has been a controversy of the definition of assisted suicide which has been besetting the theoretical and judicial circles.

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海一处高端地产发生所有权重组,从中可以看出中国房地产开发商承受着怎样的压力。A shuffle in the ownership of a piece of prestige Shanghai real estate demonstrates the pressures besetting China's property developers.

由于林彪一伙的破坏,军队建设中确实存在不少问题,在座的许多同志也有这个感觉。Owing to sabotage by Lin Biao and his like, there are quite a few problems besetting our army. Many of the comrades present here feel this.

养老问题一直是困扰许多国家的一个社会性的难题,也是我国构建和谐社会需要的解决的问题。Old-age issue is not a social problem that have been besetting many countries , but also the problem that building a harmonious society in China need to resolve.

美国债务问题虽从长期看可能并不妙,但或许可以说,在当前清楚存在的困扰全球经济的问题中,美国债务是最不严重的。Arguably, the U.S. debt situation, as ominous as it may be in the long term, is perhaps the least of the clear-and-present problems besetting the world's economy.

各国利益的矛盾掩藏着军备竞赛和地区冲突的危险,安全困境的幽灵困扰着东北亚地区各国的国家安全。National interests contradictions conceal the dangers of the arms race and regional conflicts, the security dilemma is besetting national security in Northeast Asia.

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大多数的受访者都显示出他们已经察觉并且关心全球环境破坏的问题,同时相信这些问题都是人类行为所造成的。The majority of respondents appear to be both aware of and concerned about the problems besetting the global environment, and to believe that human behavior has brought these about.

皮埃尔在加入共济会分会时坦白承认他有易受引诱这个主要弱点,而今诱惑力是那样强烈,以致他无力控制住自己。The temptations on the side of Pierre's besetting weakness, the one to which he had given the first place at his initiation into the lodge, were so strong that he could not resist them.