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我平服自己激动的心情。I lay my excitement.

他兴奋的旋转起来。He spun with excitement.

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兴奋缓和下来了。The excitement toned down.

激动使得他狂热。The excitement fevered him.

她激动得脸绯红。Her face flamed with excitement.

兴奋的情绪渐渐平静下来。The excitement is quieting down.

她的眼睛因兴奋而睁得滚圆。Her eyes rounded with excitement.

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他的心激动得怦怦直跳。His heart pulsed with excitement.

洛塔兴奋地跳起舞来。Lotta danced round in excitement.

只有骂街才能引来热闹。Only Brew can lead to excitement.

她总期盼着得到刺激。She has always craved excitement.

群众很兴奋,嘁嘁喳喳交头接耳。The crowd buzzed with excitement.

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她激动得两眼亮了起来。Her eyes twinkled with excitement.

她的心激动得怦怦直跳。Her heart pounded with excitement.

你找不到那种兴奋的感觉。You lose your sense of excitement.

他兴奋得声音发颤。His voice trembled with excitement.

他们的声音中带着兴奋吗?Is there excitement in their voice?

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升调让人很兴奋Raising up music builds excitement.

她由于激动脸开始发红。She began to flush with excitement.

他的行为引起狂热的兴奋。His action caused a wild excitement.