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局部热疗是治疗肿瘤的一种辅助性手段。The local thermotherapy is one of adjuvanticity means to cure tumor.

局部可作热敷、坐浴或其他热疗法。May make the hot compress, the sitz bath or other thermotherapy law partially.

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在微创热疗中,活体测温是十分关键的技术。Thermometry in vivo is one of the most important techniques in minimally invasive thermotherapy.

一种以凌阳SPCE061A单片机为核心构成的肿瘤热疗温度控制系统。Designed a kind of temperature control system based on SPCE061A single chip for thermotherapy of tumor.

结论氪红激光温热疗法是一种可被临床选用的且行之有效的黄斑部CNV治疗方法。Conclusion Krypton red laser transpupillary thermotherapy is one of the effective therapies for CNV at macular region.

近几年,肿瘤热疗已成为继手术、放疗、化疗和免疫疗法之后新兴的第五大疗法。The in-fresh-field thermotherapy machine is a kind of new heat treatment equipment for clinical malignant tumor therapy.

与局部热疗有关的抗肿瘤免疫主要是机体的细胞免疫功能增强。Anti-tumor immunity related to local thermotherapy is mainly resulted from the strengthen of cellular immune function in body.

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结论微波热疗合并围手术期化疗可能有协同作用,其对乳癌根治术后病人的康复有良好作用。Conclusions Thermotherapy cooperates well with chemotherapy and is beneficial to patients with breast cancer after radical operations.

在建立樱桃小茎尖培养体系的基础上,进行了热处理结合小茎尖培养脱除ACLSV和PNRSV的研究。On the basis of the micropropagation system of cherry, elimination of ACLSV and PNRSV by combining thermotherapy with meristem tip culture were studied.

目前我国有微波热疗、超声聚焦热疗、射频热疗及内生场热疗。At present there are microwave thermotherapy, super-sound focusing thermotherapy, radiofrequency thermotherapy and endogenic field thermotherapy in China.

叙述了热疗在肿瘤治疗中的应用机制及各种热疗方法在临床中的应用研究进展。It expatiated the mechanisms of thermotherapy in treatment of tumor patients and research progress on application of all sorts of thermotherapies in clinic.

结论体外高频热疗加按摩等综合治疗慢性前列腺炎方便、安全、有效,不使用特殊药物,费用低。Conclusion Treating chronic prostatitis by combined treatment of high frequency thermotherapy with massage and medication is a convenient, safe and low cost.

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利用晶体光纤中高掺杂离子的非辐射跃迁机制,研制成功一种可用于激光热疗的高掺杂光纤光热转换头。Based on non-radiation transitions of heavily doped ions in the crystal fiber, a laser-pumped fiber-optic thermal tip has been developed for laser thermotherapy.

结论冬凌草液热疗对预防浅表性膀胱移行细胞癌术后复发的效果可靠。Conclusion The effect of local thermotherapy with rabdosia liquid is reliable in preventing the recurrence of superficial urinary bladder transitional cell carcinoma.

本文针对非侵入性射频热疗的SAR场及瞬态温度分布进行建模和数值模拟计算。The model establishment and numerical simulation of SAR and the instantaneous temperature distribution for no-wound tumor RF thermotherapy are performed in this paper.

本研究提出了一种用手术前MRI图像重建的三维图像与手术中的超声图像进行配准的方法,对肝部肿瘤热疗手术中的目标进行定位。We present a method to register a pre-operative 3D MRI volume to a set of intra-operative ultrasound images for the target localization of the liver tumor in the thermotherapy.

近十几年来因磁粒的制程进步到奈米化,因此现今相关的医学研究是利用磁奈米粒到人身体内做所谓的肿瘤热疗。Since the process of magnetic particles has progressed to nanoscale in the last decade, the related researches are doing tumor thermotherapy in human body with magnetic nanoparticles.

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目的比较中药冬凌草液热疗和多次丝裂霉素膀胱内灌注预防浅表性膀胱移行细胞癌术后复发的作用。Objective To compare the actions of local thermotherapy with rabdosia liquid and repeated perfusion of mitomycin C for the postoperative prophylaxis of superficial urinary bladder carcinoma.