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该隐和亚伯,莱纳斯和露西,里昂和诺埃尔。Cain and Abel, Linus and Lucy, Liam and Noel.

但倘若莱纳斯想要带你来日,就让咱们恬然处之吧。But if Linus wants to take you out, let's be nice about it.

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1991年,莱纳斯•托瓦尔兹还是赫尔辛基大学的一名学生。In 1991, Linus Torvalds was a student at the University of Helsinki.

但维生素C真的像莱纳斯·鲍林所认为的那样能够预防感冒吗?But does Vitamin C really prevent the common cold as Linus Pauling believed?

还有像理查德·费曼和莱纳斯·鲍林这样的物理学家。And all of the physicists like Richard Feynman. Linus Pauling, he's another one.

让我们和查理布朗和史努比聚会吧,我们可以和琳达和露西一起跳舞。Let's have a party with Charlie Brown and Snoopy. We can go dancing with Linus and Lucy.

李纳斯说,他倾向于喜欢枯燥乏味的功能,那些东西一般人都不会注意到。Linus responded that he tends to like the boring features, things that people don't notice.

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当时世上有一个名为赫尔辛基的地方,那里住着一个名叫李纳斯·托沃兹的年青学者。Now in those days there was in the land of Helsinki a young scholar named Linus the Torvald.

他是一个虔诚的人,一个RMS的信徒并能受到图灵,冯·诺依曼和摩尔强大的精神感召。Linus was a devout man, a disciple of RMS and mighty in the spirit of Turing, von Neumann and Moore.

我记得,Bash也是莱纳斯·托瓦尔兹在他早期的Linux内核中最早运行的一些程序之一。As I recall, it was one of the first couple of programs Linus Torvalds made run on his early Linux kernels.

由于出演人物本•莱纳斯,迈克尔•爱默生在艾美奖上获得了“最佳男配角”提名。Michael Emerson took home an "Outstanding Supporting Actor" Emmy for his portrayal of the character, Ben Linus.

李纳斯是在网络普及成为可能之后,读懂游戏规则的第一人。Linus was the first person who learned how to play by the new rules that pervasive Internet access made possible.

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李纳斯说,这个领域的开发人员有一点点狭隘,他们只解决他们自己关心的问题,不干其他的。Linus responded that developers in that area have been a bit insular, solving their own problems and nothing more.

李纳斯回答说,“控制组”一开始没多少人用,但现在有很多人在用。Linus responded that control groups were a feature that did not initially have a whole lot of users, but they do now.

李纳斯说,以前,主版本号的变化代表了一些重要里程碑的实现。Once upon a time, Linus said, making a change in the major number would be an acknowledgment of some sort of major milestone.

李纳斯说,当然还有这样的开发人员,他们在做一些目前没人用的功能,他们看得更远,提早了大约五年。Linus said that there are certainly developers working on features with no current users, thinking five years or so into the future.

Linux和他的学生都是Liege里非常顽强批评者,牛顿的传记作者韦斯特福尔感觉他反应有点过激了Linus and his students at Liege were among the more tenacious critics. Newton's biographer Westfall seems to feel he was overreacting

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李纳斯说他越来越坚持这样的观点,只有当一个功能真正有人用的时候,他才会考虑合入这个功能。Linus said that he is increasingly insisting on evidence that real users of a feature exist before he is willing to merge that feature.

这时,莱纳斯接受这一已经完成的工作,并把它汇合到所谓的主线存储库,Linux名副其实的心脏。At this time Linus takes the work which has been performed and merges it into the so-called mainline repository, the veritable heart of Linux.

很多年前,格雷格说过,李纳斯曾经谈过Linux“统治世界”的目标,并且应用程序的数量将是达成这个目标的关键。Many years ago, Greg said, Linus had talked about the goal of "total world domination" and how more applications were the key to getting there.