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粪被用做肥料。Dung is used as manure.

啊,绿肥是其中一种。Well, one is green manure.

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已翻土把肥盖好。Manure was well dug into the soil.

或许你是从粪堆那儿来的。Maybe you come from a manure pile.

我们的这些黄金粪尿是如何处理的呢?What is done with this golden manure?

模型里甚至还有小型的粪堆。There are even miniature manure piles.

而强力清洗则能去除鸡粪。Power washing does away with the manure.

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把肥料或混合肥料混在土里使土壤肥沃。Mix in manure or compost to enrich the soil.

肥料供给土壤所缺乏的成分。Manure supplies what is deficient in the soil.

皮鞋和裤子上沾着斑斑点点的粪块。Bits of manure clung to his shoes and trousers.

这里有粪堆我可以歇会儿吗?Is there a manure pile where I can take a rest?

这片土壤太贫瘠了,想整个儿施一通肥。Want to manure the whole place over, scabby soil.

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排名第二的是牲畜和粪肥产生的甲烷。Next in line is methane from livestock and manure.

我从未因为看到一堆粪而感到如此高兴。Never have I been so pleased to see a heap of manure.

沼肥为有机肥,易被植物吸收。Anaerobic fermentation manure is easily absorbed by plants.

鸡屎外面那层白色东西叫什么?What do you call the white stuff that coats chicken manure.

他身上散发的粪便味破坏了他的形象。His image was undercut by the fact that he reeked of manure.

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转基因动物来源肥料不可被认证。Manure from genetically modified animals is not certifiable.

猪、牛、马、羊粪的养分含量及性质如何?Pigs, cattle, horses, sheep manure nutrient content and nature?

种植绿肥作物主要是为使土壤更加肥沃。A green manure is a crop grown mainly to improve soil fertility.