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在十九世纪,英国控制着中国的茶叶市场。During the XIX century, the English owned the tea marked in China.

测量了激光加热块状银靶产生的等离子体XUV光谱。The XUV spectra from Ag XIX of laser-produced plasma are measured.

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“以人为本,效率至上”是新欣企业的管理理念。It is management idea of "XIX"Enterprise that person as base and efficiency supreme.

第十九条会议记录、录音、录像资料应妥善保管。XIX. Minutes, audio and video recording material of the conference must be securely kept.

“创造精品,追求卓越”是新欣企业始终不懈的信念。It is untiring conviction of"XIX"Enterprise that creating precision and pursuing outstanding.

第十九届2010年英联邦运动会定于10月3日至14日之间在印度首都新德里举行。The XIX Commonwealth Games 2010 are scheduled to be held between October 3-14 in the Indian capital.

第十九条基本医疗保险实行定点医疗制度。XIX. The system of medical treatment at appointed site is carried out for the basic medical treatment insurance.

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为了向邻近的努比亚人展示他的力量,古埃及第十九王朝法老拉美西斯二世在阿布辛贝勒的岩石中,建造了这巨大的神殿。Proclaiming his power to neighboring Nubians, Ramses II of Dynasty XIX had this huge temple hewn out of rock at Abu Simbel.

澳大利亚的莎莉皮尔逊在新德里庆祝她赢得了XIX英联邦运动会田径比赛的女子100米栏的冠军。Australia's Sally Pearson celebrates her win in the 100m hurdles women final of the Track and Field competition of the XIX Commonwealth Games in New Delhi.

在十九世纪慈善会数次失控,因此派发食物的地点从教堂搬到了济贫院,后来也一直在老济贫院举行。In the XIX century the event got out of hand more than once and as a result the handout was first moved from the church to the poorhouse and later still to the Old Workhouse.

十九世纪末,法国进入了工业化阶段,虽然铁路得以发展,但是却开始了和普鲁士和后来的德国的痛苦的战争。The end of the XIX century was the start of the industrialization of the country, the development of the railways but also the start of the bitter wars with Prussia and later Germany.