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但我的表妹简妮却没有如此幸运。But my cousin Jeanne was not so fortunate.

亨利和珍妮彼此一见倾心。Henry and Jeanne take a shine to each other.

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玛蒂尔德继续向吉茵讲她的那段经由过程。Mathilde continued to tell Jeanne her story.

可以说,珍妮没有真正的童年。Jeanne hadn’t had, so to speak, a real childhood.

珍妮扬森开创德拉库拉伯爵球迷俱乐部。Jeanne Youngson founds The Count Dracula Fan Club.

这次我们派记者吉妮‧莫斯前去作了一则小小的报导。This time we sent Jeanne Moos out on a little story.

他们强迫珍妮接受他们的治疗方案。They hustled Jeanne to accept their therapeutic plan.

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在公园,玛蒂尔德继续给让娜讲她的故事。In the park, Mathilde continues to tell Jeanne her story.

请珍妮护士看一下库存里还有米有了?Please look at the Jeanne nurse in stock and meters have?

老师让我扮演玛蒂尔德和你扮演珍妮。The teacher asked me to act Mathilde and you to act Jeanne.

尚恩‧露薏丝‧卡蒙的诞辰纪念日就在本月份。The anniversary of the birth of Jeanne Louise Calment is this month.

珍妮∙霍尔登是一位专长于经济问题的自由撰稿人。Jeanne Holden is a freelance writer with expertise in economic issues.

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他现在和他美国出生的妻子珍妮居住在瑞士梅根。He now resides in Meggen, Switzerland, with his U. S. -born wife, Jeanne.

珍妮回家焦灼等待,不晓得他去了哪里。Jeanne is fretfully waiting at home for him , not knowing his whereabouts.

哦,让娜·莫罗,著名的,法国演员,对。Oh, oh, Jeanne Moreau, the great wonderful French actress, yeah. That's true.

十年后玛蒂尔德和让娜在巴黎一个公园里碰巧相遇。It happened that Mathilde met with Jeanne in the park in Paris after ten years.

珍妮删去了“中年”二字并用红笔写了“多余的”三字,将试卷返回学生。Jeanne deleted "middle-aged, " noted in red "redundant, " and returned the paper.

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我最喜欢的来自于让娜卡尔芒,在现代社会活的最长的人。My favorite comes from Jeanne Calment, the longest-lived person in modern history

1908年,珍妮·朗万为她的女儿玛格丽特建立了与她同名的服装设计室。In 1908, Jeanne Lanvin founded her eponymous couture house for daughter Marguerite.

珍妮斯和她的妹妹,戴安娜Arneson插画家可能已经把这四周。Jeanne Kraus and her illustrator sister, Diana Arneson may have turned that around.