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我喜欢吃山竹果。I like to eat mangosteen.

罗汉果是一个水果来自东南亚。Mangosteen is a fruit from southeast Asia.

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我的下一个实验杰西是与山竹果。My next experiment with Jesse is with the Mangosteen Fruit.

山竹果,外形小巧,白色果肉,它是在亚洲很受欢迎的水果之一。The mangosteen is a small fruit with white flesh, popular throughout Asia.

而山竹果里不仅含有自然的抗组织胺,还含有一种自然的抗炎物质。So, the mangosteen is a natural antihistamine and a natural anti-inflammatory.

罗汉果茶一种名贵药材,性凉味甘,功能清肺润肠。Mangosteen tea a valuable medicine, and cooler Wei Gan, functional Qingfei Runchang.

提出了一种基于计算机视觉技术的山竹大小和颜色分级方法。A grading method of mangosteen by size and color was proposed based on computer vision.

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山竹果在中医和印度草药医学里的药用历史悠久。The mangosteen fruit has a long history of medicinal use in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.

有很多人食用山竹果汁或山竹茶而恢复健康。There have been accounts of folk recovering their health in consuming mangosteen juice or tea.

山竹果象枸杞果一样是一种水晶水果,持有它的最初蓝图。Mangosteen like Goji Berries is a crystalline fruit that has held on to its original blueprint.

接下来的几天他的症状全都回来了,当他再度喝山竹果果汁后他的症状又消失了。The following day all of his symptoms returned and were once again relieved by mangosteen juice.

下面这简短的概要能够证明山竹果对过敏性鼻炎的治疗疗效。What follows is a brief synopsis of one testimonial relating to allergic rhinitis and mangosteen use.

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奇异果、石榴及一种新超级食物源即山竹果也含有酯化C。Kiwi and palmagranite fruit is also loaded with ester C along with a new super food known as mangosteen.

山竹是一种热带水果,在东方自远古时代起就被作为一种有治疗功用的食物源。Mangosteen is a tropical fruit that has been used in the East as a source of healing since ancient times.

最终确定干木薯、鲜龙眼、鲜榴莲、龙眼干与肉以及鲜或干山竹果为重点关注产品。Dry cassava, fresh longan, fresh durian, dry longan or longan aril and dry or fresh mangosteen are the most important products.

山竹果在东南亚是一种普通的水果,圆形莓果状,是最美味的水果之一。Mangosteen is a common fruit in Southeast Asia. It is a round berry shaped fruit. The fruit is one of the most delicious fruits.

本文探讨了20℃条件下不同浓度溴甲烷熏蒸处理对苹果、山竹主要贮藏品质指标的影响。The effects of methyl bromide fumigation for different dose on the storage quality of apple and Mangosteen was studied under 20℃.

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因为对自然界的怀疑,他决定停止一天使用山竹果作为治疗过敏性鼻炎的药物。Being somewhat skeptical in nature, he decided to stop using the mangosteen juice as a treatment for his allergic rhinitis for one day.

当然,更多的研究有待进行,因为据说山竹果还有消炎、抗菌、防腐、消毒的特性。While more research needs to be done, mangosteen is also said to have powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties.

如果你有兴趣学习更多有关罗汉果,直接到我们的网站与几个音频和视频演示和用户证言。If you're interested in the learning more about the mangosteen , go directly to our website with several audio and video presentations and user testimonials.