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在导航器中添加分隔线Add separator lines to the navigator

分油机旁边有一个预热器。There is a preheater near the oil separator.

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用油水分离器来处理含油污水。Process oily water through an oily water separator.

舱底水油分离器泄放柜高位报警。Bilge water separator drainage tank high level alarm.

在默认情况下,分隔符是下划线字符。By default, the separator is an underscore character.

奈特龙网也可用于酒糟作为分隔。Netlon mesh can also be used as a stillage separator.

非行分隔符的任意空白字符。Any whitespace character that is not a line separator.

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分离器的额定工作压力是10兆帕。The rated working pressure of the separator is 10 MPa.

空气,气体或蒸汽以很高的速度进入分离器。Air, gas or steam enters the separator at high velocity.

提供平台特定的卷分隔符。Provides a platform-specific volume separator character.

在默认情况下,逻辑对象的分隔符是空格。By default, the separator for logical objects is a space.

分离器的压力和工作液面一直很稳定。The pressure and level of the separator have been stable.

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对设计、页脚和分隔符部分执行相同操作。Do the same for the design, footer, and separator sections.

这个数据分离器的主要部分是一个数模混合的锁相环。A digital-analog PLL is the main part of the data separator.

另一种类型的蒸气分离器安装在燃油箱的顶部。Another type of vapor separator is mounted on top of the tank.

基伊埃韦斯伐里亚分离机公司于1893年成立于德国鄂尔德市。GEA Westfalia Separator was founded in 1893 in Oelde, Germany.

异构化产物分离罐压力分程-高选控制。Isomar separator pressure split range – high selector control.

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第二个方法使用了一个空格作为“默认”分隔符。The second one uses a single space as the “default” separator.

要设置信息的按钮或分隔线的索引。Index of the button or separator whose information is to be set.

第一个方法还接受一个参数来作为分隔符。The first method also takes an argument for the separator string.