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他的脉象非常平稳。His pulse was very even.

让我测一下您的脉搏。Lett me feel your pulse.

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流淌的是一寸寸春华的脉动。It flows the Spring pulse.

我知道了。我的脉率是多少?I see. How is my pulse rate?

脉搏跳得平稳。The pulse throbbed steadily.

这位病人脉搏很弱。The patient has a weak pulse.

回来,让我感到一种冲动的喜悦。I feel a pulse of joy to beback.

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我跑过去检查他的脉搏。I ran over and checked his pulse.

医生正在为她号脉。The doctor was feeling her pulse.

停止播放时输出高电平脉冲。Busy High Active, Stop High Pulse.

舌红少苔,脉细数。Red tongue less moss, pulse count.

脉搏几乎摸不清。The pulse is almost imperceptible.

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也曾为他割破脉搏。Were that he cuts pulse also once.

他感觉了脉膊,迅速的但是强的。He felt a pulse , rapid but strong.

第六句把握商铺投资脉搏.Grasp the pulse of investment shops.

当我跑得快的时候,我可以感觉到我的脉搏。I can feel my pulse when I run fast.

这医生细心地把脉。The doctor felt the pulse carefully.

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中医把脉为何能辨病?。Why the pulse can diagnose diseases?

他先给我把脉,又看我的舌头。He feels my pulse and sees my tongue.

被测信号为脉冲调制信号。The input signal is pulse modulation.