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它是一个小一点点的行列式。It's a slightly smaller determinant.

快速计算矩阵行列式的办法?The determinant of a matrix real quick?

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接下来就是,处理这个2阶行列式。And, I would be left with this 2x2 determinant.

然后我们要用行列式A来除。And then, we will divide by the determinant of A.

它是长期回报的主要决定因素。It is the primary determinant of long-term returns.

有一个决定性的因素。Cost, ah, there is a factor that may be a determinant.

真正的式子是展开了这些行列式之后得到的。The actual formula is obtained by expanding the determinant.

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必有行列式不为零?You can invert A if the determinant of A is not equal to zero?

如果你转置一个矩阵,这将不会改变它的行列式。If you transpose a matrix, that doesn't change the determinant.

在移动情形下,网络质量是决定性的。In a mobile situtation, the quality of the network is determinant.

我就用过这个方法来记住怎么算矩阵中的决定因素。I used this to remember how to calculate the determinant of a matrix.

我们可以通过两个向量的行列式,来得到它。Well, we can get that by taking the determinant of these two vectors.

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构造一行列式函数将柯西中值定理推广。Construct a determinant function to popularize Cauchy theorem of mean.

对行列式符号的使用完全反常。See, that is really a completely perverted use of a determinant notation.

只有在行列式值等于0的时候,才会有多个解存在。We have other solutions that exist only if determinant of a matrix is zero.

父母的期望是决定儿童成功与否最有力的因素。The most powerful determinant of children’s success is parental expectations.

这是决定投资者、企业家和消费者信心的关键因素。This is a critical determinant of investor, business and consumer confidence.

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然后是这项,乘以这个的行列式,但要添上个负号。Then, we take that entry, multiply it by that determinant but put a minus sign.

另一个你必须观察的决定因素是相互作用和反作用。Another determinant that must be observed by you are interactions and reactions.

在非交换环上,引进拟行列式的概念。The concept of the near determinant over the non-commutative rings is introduced.