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没有,他对这种卑鄙的暗示嗤之以鼻。No he scorned the base insinuation.

我几乎都想以暗讽之名起诉软银了。I almost feel like suing Softbank for the insinuation.

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他总是含沙射影地贬低别人的人格。He is always blackening others' character by insinuation.

他憎恶别人含沙射影,说他太老不适合那工作。He resented the insinuation that he was too old for the job.

受了这样一顿含沙射影的指责之后还闲坐在家里,这也太不自重了。It was too cheap to sit around after such an insinuation as this.

任何关于交易的暗示是完全错误的。他说。Any insinuation that deals would have been made is absolutely false, he said.

酒体的高贵、柔和影射出它的多变、迷人、文雅的特点。The elegant wine, soft insinuation that it is the dynamic, charming, elegant features.

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酒体的高贵、柔和影射出它的多变、迷人、文雅的特点。The elegant wine, soft insinuation that it is the dynamic and charming, elegant features.

“我当然是在找啦,”他有些生气地说,对这个羞辱他的暗示只是稍微有点感到不安。"Of course I do, " he said pettishly, troubling only a little over the disgrace of the insinuation.

记者们觉得话里有话,老是缠住他不放,请他解释为什么不想再当总统了。The reporters thought there must had been an insinuation in that remark and insisted that he explain the reason.

那些能够防范错误、防范报纸含沙射影和捏造事实的“看门人”、编辑和新闻管理人员到哪里去了?Where are the gatekeepers, the editors and news managers who guarded against mistakes, editorial insinuation and fabrication?

当思考停止时,对那从事思考的心灵所影射出来的存在也会中断,混乱无明的状态便不复存在。When thinking stops, the insinuation of the presence of a mind doing the thinking will cease, and confusion will be nonexistent.

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不出所料,职业运动员们对此感到气愤,因为这暗讽类似的下流用于在运动员的更衣室很常见。Unsurprisingly, professional athletes grew irate at the insinuation that similar lewd remarks were commonplace in men's locker rooms.

赫斯渥说话时带着讨好的口气,他的意思那么明显,连嘉莉也听出了话中的诙谐意思。There was such an ingratiating tone about Hurstwood's voice, the insinuation was so perceptible that even Carrie got the humour of it.

他暗示一个女人不要想去电视台工作,达到职业巅峰,这种言论让其同僚尴尬,同时引起了全国性的性别歧视辩论。His insinuation that a woman must sleep her way to the top to work in television embarrassed his colleagues and set off a national debate about sexism.

通过对权、术、谋的分析,阐明书中的江湖世界实际上是真实的江山社会的影射或象征。Through the analysis of expediency, skill and tactics, all corners of the country expounded in the book are in fact the insinuation or symbol of the true society.