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让我来给你扎几针。Let me treat you with acupuncture.

针刺证明有效吗?What's the evidence for acupuncture?

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我想给你用针灸疗法。I am going to use acupuncture on you.

各种内脏绞痛的针灸治疗。The acupuncture treatment of viscera angina.

上次扎针以后,有什么反应?How did you feel after acupuncture last time?

头针的针刺针刺方法。The needling method of the scalp acupuncture.

针灸治疗色弱,真的吗?Acupuncture treats anomalous trichromatism, true?

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一些疑难病可用针灸治愈。Some difficult disease can be cured with acupuncture.

针灸学理论需要创新和发展。Acupuncture therapy needs to innovate and development.

针灸可以改善血浆粘度值。Acupuncture treatment can also improve plasm viscosity.

我不打算为针灸还是其他的啥辩论。I am not an apologist for acupuncture or anything else.

观察病人对针辽的反应。Observe the pation's reaction to acupuncture treatment.

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真正的针灸的确能减少止疼药的需求。Real acupuncture did reduce the need for pain medicine.

你可以通过针灸来晚期流产。You can give a late-term abortion with just acupuncture.

针灸是一个百年的中国法愈合。Acupuncture is a centuries-old chinese method of healing.

针灸止痛的效果是举世公认的。The analgesic effects of acupuncture are well-documented.

为什么按攒竹穴会痛?Why to meet by assemble bamboo acupuncture point painful?

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今天我可以坐直了.针灸的确很棒.I can sit straight today. The acupuncture is really great.

许多聋哑人经过针刺治疗开始能说话了。Many deaf-mutes began to talk after acupuncture treatment.

针灸疗法自4000多年前的中国开始发展。Acupuncture was developed in China around 4, 000 years ago.