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然而,我可以确定一个时间线吗?But can I put that on a timeline?

使用时间轴调整按键输入速度。Use the Timeline to change keystroke speed.

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但是在有关的时间先后问题上存在不一致的地方。But there are discrepancies in the timeline.

我在创造出时间线后才进行故事的写作。I wrote the story while creating a timeline.

每个人都制作了一份自己的家谱。And we basically did a timeline of themselves.

使用播放器的滑鼠右键选单来开启时间列。Timeline can be enabled in player context menu.

画一个每段结尾都带有圆点的水平时间进度表。Draw a horizontal timeline with a dot at each end.

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测试通过点击在时间轴播放按钮。Test it by hitting the play button at the timeline.

一个时间轴滑动条显示了地图上随时间推移的进度。A timeline slider shows progress over time on a map.

多演员的演员交谈对话的时间表。Multi-actor dialog timeline for actor conversations.

具体来说,您需要检索用户的时间线。Specifically, you want to retrieve a user's timeline.

用时间轴编辑器轻松地设计动画动作。Easily choreograph animation with the timeline editor.

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他说,其商业计划是以一个长达10年的时间段为基础制定的。He said the business plan is based on a 10-year timeline.

这些特性并没有一个时间线或计划。There is no timeline or definite plans for these features.

您可以以编程的方式访问一个特定用户的时间表。You can programatically access a specific user's timeline.

范围过于扩大,时间安排过长。The scope is over-stretching, and the timeline is too long.

图2展示了我的发现的时间进程和概况。Figure 2 shows a quick timeline and summary of my discovery.

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我已呼吁制定到2012年实现这一目标的时间表。I have called for a timeline of achieving this goal by 2012.

时间线录像工具可以将选定的时间线录制到磁带。Timeline VTR tool allows selective timeline playback to tape.

在2007-2011年最初阶段缔约方提交报告的时间安排Parties' reporting timeline in the initial period of 2007-2011