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目的探讨CT对支气管黏液嵌塞的诊断价值。Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of CT in bronchial mucoid impaction.

粘液或清除牙菌斑从你激,尝试中药戒毒的节目之一上市。Or to remove mucoid plaque from your bowel, try one of the herbal detox programs listed here.

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目的探讨黏蛋白MUC1、MUC2和MUC5AC在大肠黏液腺癌组织中的表达及意义。Objective To explore the expression of MUC1, MUC2 and MUC5AC in large intestinal mucoid adenocarcinoma.

胶原纤维的肿胀融合及其粘液样变性是黄韧带骨化的起始病变。The original-lesion of the ossifications is the swelling and fusion of collagen and its mucoid degeneration.

结论EDTA与环丙沙星联合应用对豚鼠肺部黏液型铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜感染有显著清除作用。Conclusions The combination of EDTA with ciprofloxacin has significant activity to remove mucoid PA biofilm in vivo.

肠易激综合症,我们把高浓度打破的粘液建设和增韧细胞膜。For irritable bowel syndrome, we put in a high concentration to break down that mucoid buildup and that toughened cell membrane.

上颌窦后鼻孔息肉表现为起源于上颌窦的粘液样肿块,并通过上颌窦口延伸至后鼻孔。Antralchoanal polyps present as mucoid masses originating at the maxillary antrum extending through a sinus ostium to the choana.

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结论MUC1、MUC2和MUC5AC的表达可预示大肠黏液腺癌的浸润转移潜能。Conclusion Expression of MUC1, MUC2 and MUC5AC can predict invasive and metastatic potential of large intestinal mucoid adenocarcinoma.

甚至在没有症状的患者,术后MRI也显示有臀中肌的部分破坏,伴随着粘蛋白信号的改变和脂肪退变。MRI after THA shows partial disruptions of the gluteus medius, with mucoid signal alterations and fatty degeneration even in asymptomatic patients.

基质呈黏液样变或促纤维增生改变,极少呈假血管肉瘤改变、肉芽肿性炎症或伴破骨巨细胞反应。Mucoid or desmoplastic changes and very rarely pseudoangiosarcomatous change, granulomatous inflammation or osteoclastic giant cell response may be seen in the stroma.

肺新型隐球菌感染,存在许多病原体,每个病原体都有个大粘液囊,此囊在模糊圆形细胞核周围呈现为清晰光亮区。This is Cryptococcus neoformans infection of the lung. There are numerous organisms that have a large mucoid capsule, giving the appearance of a clear zone around a faint round nucleus.

鞣酸电镜组织化学研究结果显示,在肌上皮瘤细胞周围分布有数量不等的胶原原纤维和弹性纤维团块。The data of electron microscopic histochemical study showed that some slender collagen fibers and heavily stained elastic fibers were dispersed around myoepithelioma cells and in mucoid tissue.