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本机为外抽风。This machine is outside convulsions.

重者可有躁动,抽搐式昏迷。In severe cases, may have irritability, convulsions coma.

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知觉,开始抽搐起来。The patient lost consciousness and went into convulsions.

流民始终是引发社会动荡的因素之一。Refugee is always one of factors that result in convulsions.

其它症状还有头痛、四肢无力和抽搐。Other symptoms are headache, muscle weakness and convulsions.

我们的经济,在那段时间极不稳定。You get an economy subject to convulsions during that period.

触觉和听觉的刺激可诱发惊厥和角弓反张。Tactile and auditory stimuli provoke convulsions with opisthotonos.

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后肢轻度抽搐,蹒跚,卧地,间歇性抽搐。Mild Tetany of hind limbs, staggering, falling and intermittent convulsions.

相反,我们的时代,丑陋与诸遭动乱也正孕育着绝望。Our time, on the other hand, has fed its despair on ugliness and convulsions.

这会引起抽搐和意识丧失在水下溺死。This can cause convulsions and loss of consciousness underwater with drowning.

其四,这是社会动荡激起晋人心灵的一种反映。Fourthly, convulsions triggered off the heart response of the people in Wei and Jin.

一个城市的痉挛和灵魂的惊骇比较起来,算得了什么?What are the convulsions of a city in comparison with the insurrections of the soul?

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血钙过低会导致抽搐,过高则会引起昏迷。Too little calcium in the blood can cause convulsions and too much can lead to a coma.

发展为共济失调,发抖,眼球震颤,前冲,瘫痪和抽搐。Progresses to incoordination, tremors, nystagmus, head pressing, paralysis and convulsions.

他的统一阿拉伯世界的梦想激发了一系列从黎巴嫩到伊拉克的动乱和军事政变。His dream of a unified Arab world helped inspire convulsions and coups from Lebanon to Iraq.

极少的一点鳗鱼血清注射进兔子体内,能瞬间导致其抽搐死亡。A tiny amount of eel-blood serum injected into a rabbit causes instant convulsions and death.

每次抽搐持续1-2秒钟,往往为连续的、有节律的一连串抽搐。Convulsions for 1-2 seconds each time, often as a continuous, rhythmic series of convulsions.

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在二十世纪,性解放运动所产生的文化冲击是无与伦比的。The sexual revolution produced cultural convulsions that wereunparalleled in the 20th century.

实验土耳其肉类,加上药物,原因Herschell进入抽搐。The experimental turkey meat, combined with the drugs, causes Herschell to go into convulsions.

人们经常将毒堇与水毒堇混淆,水毒堇是另外一种植物,它只会导致抽搐。The hemlock is often confused with the water hemlock a different plant altogether, causes convulsions.