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我听从他的领导。I followed his lead.

铅是一种神经毒素。Lead is a neurotoxin.

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阿每线成本较低。A lower cost per lead.

去把他们引出来。Going to lead 'em out.

重得像铅。It's as heavy as lead.

条条大路通罗马!殊途同归!All roads lead to Rome!

条条道路通臩罗马。All roads lead to Rome.

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条条道路通罗马。/殊途同归。All roads lead to rome.

铅笔芯用完了。I'm out of pencil lead.

别见我本人了,咱们早就见过了。小郭。I am ready to lead once.

领引脚趾点转寄。Lead toe points forward.

然后下一步你再足跟引导。Then you step Heel Lead.

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他让杰克在前面带路。He let Jack lead the way.

条条大路通成功。All roads lead to success.

你是怎么带领球队的?How do you lead your team?

这条路通到哪里?。Where does this road lead?

条条江河归大海。All rivers lead to the sea.

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通常情况下设定一个领头者。Always, always have a lead.

铅矿砂及其精矿。Lead ores and concentrates.

那么,它将带领我们走向何方?So where does this lead us?