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仓鼠琴弹的很好啊。That hamster is truly good on the piano.

描绘着仓鼠给她做数学试卷的景象。She pictured the hamster writing her math exam.

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仓鼠从飞机上掉下来还能活吗?Could a hamster survive a fall from an aeroplane?

你就如同一个被放在轮子里的仓鼠一样。You’ll end up like a hamster on a never-ending wheel.

感受我仓鼠的火热瞪视,改变你的作为!Feel the burning stare of my hamster and change your ways!

我的外甥女给她的五岁的女儿Kayleigh买了一只大颊鼠。My niece bought her five-year-old daughter, Kayleigh, a hamster.

相比之下,中华仓鼠是和老鼠更为相似的一种仓鼠。The Chinese Hamster belongs to a group known as Rat-like hamsters.

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一些人喜欢在跑步机上跑,我却认为这很烦人。我好像一只轮子上的仓鼠。I think it's boring, I feel like I am a hamster on a hamster wheel.

戴夫的胡扯仓鼠给你在手机上自己的乐趣仓鼠。Dave the Waffling Hamster gives you your own fun hamster on your phone.

咦?等等,不太对劲!好像仓鼠都没动静!Hang on! Something isn't right! Looks like the hamster was not breathing!

结论已建立了清洁级金黄地鼠种群。Conclusion A clean golden hamster population was successfully established.

在哪天扔掉你养的老鼠,然后在你的饮料中加入大量的番茄酱。One day, get rid of your hamster and add a lot of ketchup into your shake.

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电子仓鼠是一种能对声音和触摸动作做出互动反应的玩具。Zhu Zhu pets are interactive hamster toys that respond to noise and touch.

方法建立弹性蛋白酶损伤肺致炎金黄地鼠模型。Methods Lung elastase injury induced inflammatory hamster model was established.

好,那仓鼠看起来不错。他似乎很友好,并且他有短的毛发。Well,that hamster over there looks nice. He seems friendly, and he has short hair.

孩子们渴望得到金丝熊,一种被孩子们养作宠物的大老鼠。The children begged for hamster animal like a large rat, kept by children as a pet.

塞拉诺5岁的女儿索非亚没有要珠珠这种电子仓鼠。Serrano's 5-year-old daughter, Sofia, has not asked for the Zhu Zhu robotic hamster.

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今天真的非常开心,我会像填满肚子的仓鼠一样,去慢慢消化,消化这些美妙的经历。I had a really great day and will digest it slowly like a hamster with stuffed cheeks.

接下来再将实验室培养皿中的人体、老鼠和仓鼠细胞置于空气样本中。They next exposed these compounds to human, mouse and hamster cells grown in lab dishes.

目的对本单位普通级金黄地鼠群进行体外寄生虫检测。Objective To detect the ectoparasites in the conventional Golden Hamster of our institute.