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现在,每读一个字母就拍一下手!Now, clap it!

拍拍手。Clap your hands.

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观众们鼓掌的频率放慢了。They clap slowly.

现在拍拍手。Now clap your hands.

边唱边拍节奏。Clap the beat while you sing.

一声霹雳震动了群山。A clap of thunder wakes the hills.

轻轻拍一拍,一,二,三。Clap them soft-ly, one, two, three.

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跟我做,跟我做,拍拍手。Follow me, follow me, clap your hands.

她将要教这些观众如何鼓掌。She is about to teach them how to clap.

她歌儿唱得好,咱们鼓掌欢迎她来一个。She's a good singer. Let's clap her on.

人们老是鼓错掌。People always clap for the wrong things.

不过我希望当我打出低于标准杆的球来时,也能听到他们的掌声。But also hope they clap for birdies, too.

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我根本都不想让他们为我鼓掌。I wouldn’t even want them to clap for me.

摇摇我的手,轻轻拍,轻轻拍,轻轻拍。Shake my hand and then go clap , clap , clap.

有没有想过,拍一些校园文艺片呢?Had to think, clap some campus romantic movies?

如果你想找点乐子,就拍拍手。If you want to enjoy yourself, clap your hands.

与此同时,让我们鼓掌拍拍手。In the meantime, let's applaud Clap Your Hands.

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夏溪阳讨好地拍拍妹妹的手。Yang to clap sister summer river with the hand.

继续热烈鼓掌吧,先生们,杰克逊应受到我们的喝彩。Clap up,gentlemen,Jackson deserves our applause.

从今天九点开始,为他们拍手一小时。Clap for an hour today starting at nine o’ clock.