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围观者的赞美是施虐狂。The crowd's admiration is sadistic.

围观者的赞美是施虐狂。The crowd’s admiration is sadistic.

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他有虐待狂的倾向。There was a sadistic streak in him.

在监狱有虐待狂督导员。In prison there are sadistic wardens.

再加上年老糊涂,他就更是个虐待狂了。His dotage simply made him more sadistic.

再加上年老糊涂,他就更是个狂了。His dotage simply do he abundance sadistic.

然后她又残忍地一把推开了他。Then she pushed Malfoy violently back in a sadistic way.

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这是虐待狂式交谈伎俩的一次小演习。It's an exercise in sadistic conversational gamesmanship.

还有一个错误的解释就是说,人普遍都是施虐者。It's also a misreading to say that people are, in general, sadistic.

他们尝试发泄他们施虐狂一般的欲望而非维护正义。They acting to vent their sadistic desire more than to bringing him to justice.

我连家畜的头都不砍,更不用说人的,如此残酷成性的虐待狂。I wouldnt do that to a critter, let alone a human being, such a sadistic person.

寄宿学校校长残虐成性,他的妻子和情人密谋将他杀害。The wife and mistress of a sadistic boarding school headmaster plot to kill him.

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监狱里狱卒常常是虐待狂,在办公室他们被叫作经理。In prison, there are wardens who are often sadistic. At work, they are called managers.

他们想在你说完之后看到鲜血与眼泪。群众的赞赏是施虐的赞美。They want to see the blood and tears behind your lines. The crowd's admiration is sadistic.

由于那些肆虐成性的人类,屠宰场里的惨忍性比动物寻找食物时更加的残忍。The slaughter house is far more brutal due to sadistic humans than an animal hunting for food.

道尔说明,这些图案是令人震惊的、有种族主义和虐待倾向的。The text by John Dower makes it very clear that these images are shocking, racist, and sadistic.

一名FBI侦探必须谋求一个嗜血成性的连环杀人犯的帮助来追捕到另一名连环杀人犯。An FBI agent must enlist the help of a sadistic serial killer to hunt down another serial killer.

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终于意识到这帮人是多么的残忍,毫无缘由的就对我实施了水刑。I am finally aware of how sadistic they are. For no good reason I was chosen for the water torture.

这名字还在,而且30年后,它竟然和残忍的黑帮屠杀联系在一起。The name stuck, and three decades later it would become associated with sadistic gangland slayings.

现在他正运用他获得的那些信息来满足自己的虐待狂欲望,代价是倒霉的杨柳树无辜受难。Now he's using that information to satisfy his sadistic tendencies at the expense of that hapless willow.