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她因为行动笨拙而被班上同学排斥。She's rejected in class because of he clumsiness.

权力拙劣地溺爱着钥匙,竟然利用了鹤嘴锄。The clumsiness of power spoils the key, and uses the pickaxe.

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人们还经常把左撇子和笨拙联系起来。And they are often associated with clumsiness and awkwardness.

有时,您的不良习惯甚至会导致出现混乱。Sometimes, you even pick up bad practices that lead to clutter and clumsiness.

男性因为动作笨拙和缺乏经验,也可能会感到不满足。Males may also be unsatisfied because of their own clumsiness and lack of experience.

你是无数冤魂中的一个,愚蠢和笨拙是你的墓志铭。You are a enmity fetch among innumerability . Foolish and clumsiness are your epitaph.

你的笨拙让主人喜欢,因为不会谗媚较劲。Your host like you because of your clumsiness. The reason is that you don't slander and argue.

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上层建筑的前端壁的起始点不宜过于接近船艏,否则会有呆笨的感觉。The forward end of the superstructure should not be too close to the bow to avoid a sense of clumsiness.

男人从杯中喝了一口酒,把杯子放下时洒出一点酒在桌上,他为自己的笨拙道了谦。The man took a sip from his glass, spilling the liquor when he put it down. He apologized for his clumsiness.

南希扶他从床上起来时,他张口就骂,嫌她笨手笨脚。一场大病也没能使他暴躁的脾气有所改变。As Nancy helped him out of bed, Sikes swore and cursed a ther clumsiness. Illness had not improved his temper.

你是无数冤魂中的一个,愚蠢和笨拙是你的墓志铭。Look , I am very haleness! You are a enmity fetch among innumerability. Foolish and clumsiness are your epitaph.

我笨拙的动作惊飞了一群窝里的鸽子,之后他们又任凭我在藤蔓上绊了一脚。They let me stumble about on the trails for a time before my clumsiness flushed a covey of doves from their rest.

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可是当我想去暖手时我的笨拙把光翻倒了我便绊在枱和椅上。But when I go to warm my hands, My clumsiness overturns the light And then I stumble Against the tables and chairs.

他个子特别高,打起球来象着了魔似的浑身是劲,这帮助他弥补了天生的笨拙和没有经验。His great, bobbing height and rapturous enthusiasm helped make up for his innate clumsiness and lack of experience.

观察点对指示的顺畅度与准确度,这个动作表现出笨拙和过度的话,可能暗示着小脑的疾病。Observe the smoothness and accuracy of pointing. Clumsiness and overshooting with this movement, suggests cerebellar disease.

他们仍记得社会主义的“笨手笨脚”和政府“踩错舞步”,正是这些造成了国家经济上的灾难。S. and other advanced economies. They remember the clumsiness of socialism and the government missteps that fostered economic disaster.

可是,请原谅我的笨拙,一直以来,我都很被动,被动的等你给资讯、被动的等著接受。Please forgive my clumsiness , I have been very passive regarding being with others, passive to wait for you to provide your latest information.

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掩盖在Harry的阴影下,Neville的生活开始的很是悲惨,常受到欺负,因笨拙以及糟糕的魔法而备受折磨。Overshadowed by Potter, Neville had a rocky, bullied start in life, suffering clumsiness and a spotty magical ability crippled by his own insecurities.

由此引出了一个让人疑惑的青少年大脑的最后一个不同之处,也是它的笨拙和非凡的适应性的最后一个关键点。Meanwhile, in times of doubt, take inspiration in one last distinction of the teen brain—a final key to both its clumsiness and its remarkable adaptability.

贝肯虽然也梦想当一名特工,但体态笨拙又总是闯祸的他只能在安全部做清洁工作。Although Bei Ken also dreams to become a secret service, but he what posture clumsiness always gets into trouble again can do clean work in safe ministry only.