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我就是那天提问的人。I was the questioner that day.

他们站着互相怒目而视。He puffed up and glared at the importuning questioner.

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虽然这可能并不完全是提问者想要的回答,但却也是大实话。Not quite what his questioner was looking for, perhaps, but honest.

她说我是个诗人,然后问路者便满脸鄙夷地掉头离开。She said I was a poet and my questioner turned away contemptuously.

问他的人不相信,要求他把龙画完整。The questioner did not believe it and requested him to complete the work.

一旦汉斯戴上了马眼罩或看不到提问者,它的算术能力就消失了。With blinkers on or with the questioner hidden, Hans's abilities vanished.

对这个询问者提出来的问题似乎没有一个直接的答复。There doesn't seem to be an immediate answer to this questioner 's problem.

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每天晚上,管理员将登录到管理部分,以创建每日询问者。Every night, an admin would login to the admin section to create a daily questioner.

应当只有在询问者知道所询问的问题时,这个应答才有意义。The answer is only meaningful because the questioner knows the question that was asked.

而问者的理解是对任何事情不加干扰的一种态度。And the understanding of the questioner was an attitude of no interference with anything.

临济从讲坛上爬下来,穿过人群来到发问者面前。Rinzai climbed down from the pulpit and passed through the crowd of monks to reach the questioner.

我不想让人听起来显得浮夸,但有时我感觉我想使提出问题的人开心罢了。I do not want to sound grandiose, but I sometimes feel I want to agree to make the questioner happy.

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他支持奥巴马,使这个年轻人从一个宗教质疑者成长为一个基督践行者。And he supported Obama as the young man developed from a questioner of religion to a practicing Christian.

刻划成哲学家中,极端不妥协派的例子,像是社会中的激进评论者或提问者。as presenting the most intransigent case for the philosopher as a radical critic or questioner of society.

在回答一个问题之前,确保弄懂这些问题真正的目的。Clarify the question. Before attempting to answer a question, be sure you understand what the questioner wants.

孔子思想中的人是存在意义的追问者和开显者,凭借践仁达到对自身存在的澄明。Human is the questioner and expositor of Existence meaning, he clarifies his own existence by carrying out Ren.

若由问题本身间接地断定背后一定有个提问者,那绝对是一种幻相。The sense of the questioner which is gathered from the nature of the questions is necessarily absolutely illusory.

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如果没有人能回答,向提问者保证你过后会去研究,尽快给他们一个答案。If no one can help, assure the questioner you will research it and get back to them with an answer as soon as possible.

如果你不知道答案,要直说,然后告诉提问者你回去会查找答案,然后再联系他/她。If you donâ t know the answer, admit it, but tell the questioner you will find out the answer later and contact him or her.

现场一名记者提到了卡梅伦先前在被问及他最喜欢的政治笑话时回答说“尼克•克莱格”一事。One questioner referred to the occasion when Cameron was asked what his favourite political joke was and replied "Nick Clegg".