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与众不同是成功的开始,雷同流俗是失败的根源。Succeed because of the difference, sameness cause the failure.

平行结构表达了平行、对称和一致性。The word parallel implies coordination, balance, and sameness.

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同义现象指的是语义的相同或相近。Synonymy refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning.

所以这是相同方法,和不同方法。so that's the method of sameness and the method of differences.

通过逐字节的比较来建立这种等同性是很难的。It would be hard to establish this sameness through byte-by-byte comparison.

该建筑的特征是“求同”和“存异”一同出现。The store is characterized by the simultaneous need for sameness and difference.

它们被还原为自我关心的个人的同一或同质。They are reducible to the sameness or homogeneity of a self-concerned individual.

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我们可以说,人格同一性的关键在于,同样的人格。We could instead say, the key to personal identity is the sameness of the personality.

有什么途径可以在没有同样肉体的,情况下拥有同样的人格吗?Could there be somewhere to get sameness of ? personality while not having sameness of body?

如果你总是想找到两个人间的共同之处,那这段关系多半会要无疾而终的。If you are looking for sameness between two people, the relationship will always fall apart.

这种与专注对象的同一被称作三昧。This achievement of sameness or identity with the object of concentration is known as Samadhi.

这种与专注对象的同一被称为三昧。This achievement of sameness or identity with the object of concentration is known as samadhi.

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虽然你的生活顶平庸,你的日子都是平淡无奇的,然而你仍旧可以活出一个伟大的,非常的生命来。Your days are remarkable for nothing but sameness and insipidity. Yet you may live a great life.

但一个网站的突然崛起却揭示了某些人已经开始厌倦了这种相同。But the sudden rise of a new Web site suggests some people are growing weary of all that sameness.

在全球化日甚一日的今天,对于其中所隐含的同一和霸权它仍是一枚重磅炸弹。To the hegemony and sameness implied in today's increasing globalization, it is still a heavy bomb.

所以新提案中人格同一性的关键,不在于同样的肉体,而在于同样的人格。So the secret to personal identity on this new proposal isn't sameness of body, is sameness of personality.

我现在考虑的问题是,同样的灵魂,是否就是成为同一个人的关键。What I'm considering right now is the question whether sameness of soul is the key to being the same person.

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即使没有灵魂的存在,我们也不用,肯定人格同一性的关键在于,同样的肉体。Even if there're no souls, we don't have to say that the key to personal identity is the sameness of the body.

这种奇怪的相似已经存在了一段时间了,不过这个问题在几十年内变得更加明显了。Eerie sameness has been around for a while, but the problem has become more pronounced in the last few decades.

本文通过初步研究中国诗歌与西方诗歌在体裁形式、价值取向的不同,进一步探求中西方诗歌的异同。Here we expect to understand the sameness and difference through studying the types of poetry and taste of poem.