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玉米卷是墨西哥菜。An enchilada is a Mexican dish.

420头鲸鲨,惊现墨西哥海岸Whale Sharks Swarm Mexican Coastline.

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墨西哥秃子大模大样地走了出去。The airless Mexican walked boldly out.

您想对墨西哥人民说些什么?What do you say to the Mexican people?

“要不了多久”墨西哥人回答道。"Not very long, " answered the Mexican.

我的母亲烧得一手墨西哥的美味佳肴。My mother can cook delicious Mexican food.

萨利纳斯总统时期的墨西哥危机The Mexican Crisis under President Salinas.

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恐怖的屠杀将毒品大战从墨西哥引向美国。Grisly slayings brings Mexican drug war to US.

墨西哥一种黑色的樱桃树,果实可食。Mexican black cherry tree having edible fruit.

一条小船泊在了一个墨西哥小渔村。A boat docked in a tiny Mexican fishing village.

这一设计已将墨西哥国旗加于顶上。The design has been crowned with a Mexican flag.

星期四是墨西哥和中国食品的主题之夜。Wednesdays are Mexican and Chinese theme nights.

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我欣羡墨西哥的一个叫做亡灵节的仪式。I admire the Mexican rite called Day of the Dead.

边境是一家墨西哥菜连锁餐馆On The Border is like a Mexican chain restaurant.

墨西哥大毒枭在与海军交火中被打死。Mexican navy kills top cartel kingpin in shootout.

如果运气好些的话,埃尔南德斯可以进四个。With better luck, the Mexican could have had four.

因为能跑、能跳、能游泳的墨西哥人都在美国了。Any Mexican that can run jump or swim is in the US!

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我们生产墨西哥高品质的新鲜哈斯鳄梨。We produce Mexican best quality fresh Hass avocado.

于是,他搭了一位好心的墨西哥人的顺风车。Then he got a free ride from a warm-hearted Mexican.

我不喜欢墨西哥菜.那太辣了.I don`t really care for Mexican food. It`s too spicy.