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您是南开校友吗?Are you a Nankai Alumnus?

店主是我所在大学的校友。The ower was an alumnus from my university.

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哈瓦德还是IESE商学院的毕业生。Havard is an alumnus of IESE Business School.

野田佳彦是松下政经塾第一位执掌日本的校友。Mr Noda is the first Matsushita alumnus to lead Japan.

霍华德先生的校友的山,采访杰克,并担任杰克的导师。Mr. Howard, an alumnus of Hill, interviews Jack and serves as Jack's mentor.

此段影片为闻讯而来的校友以相机所拍摄,供后人作为凭吊的纪念物。The film was shot by an alumnus with a digital camera for a memorial to posterity.

当时,林嘉喜的一位校友问他是否可以投资广州迅龙。At that time, alumnus of Lin Jiaxi asks whether he can invest Guangzhou fast dragon.

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丹尼斯是一位普林斯顿大学毕业校友,普林斯顿工程院的老朋友了。Dennis is a Princeton-graduated alumnus and a big friend of Princeton's engineering.

他祝我一切顺利,并说他估计我会成为一名过分热忱的、爱炫耀的老校友。He wished me well and said he expected me to become a disgustingly enthusiastic, pompous old alumnus.

突然有一天,一把待售的1772瓜达尼尼小提琴惊现眼前,事出巧合,制作这把琴的琴师乔万尼‧瓜达尼尼与史特拉瓦里竟为校友。One day, I was offered a 1772 violin made by Giovanni Guadagnini, an alumnus of Stradivari, which was for sale.

第一条本会定名为中华民国私立中原大学财务金融学系友会以下简称本会。First The association is named Alumnus Association of the Department of Finance, Chung Yuan Christian University.

但是有一天,美好而平凡的生活被打破了,皆因Ziqian在7月5日转发了一条他母校南京大学的一位男校友的微博。But that all changed when Ziqian quoted a blog post from an alumnus of his alma mater Nanjing University on July 5.

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但是有一天,美好而平凡的生活被打破了,皆因Ziqian在7月5日转发了一条他母校南京大学的一位男校友的微博。But that all changed when Ziqian quoted a blog post from an alumnus of his alma mater, Nanjing University, on July 5.

起了疑心的同僚在英特网上做了些调查,并碰到了印度科学院名叫B。Suspicious colleagues did some research on the internet and came across the profile of an IISc alumnus called B Ravi Kumar.

在社会服务方面贡献良多的传理学院校友刘志权先生,则被委任为太平绅士。Communication alumnus Mr. Lau Chi-kuen has been appointed Justice of the Peace in recognition of his outstanding social service.

雅尼是校友中的完美典范。他在用音乐和“同一个世界,同一个人”的理念改变世界。Yanni is a perfect example of an alumnus who is changing the world through his music and his 'one world, one people philosophy'.

斯蒂夫·戈尔登,李小龙洛杉矶唐人街国术馆弟子,回答有关他追随截拳道创始人训练时期的问题。Steve Golden, an alumnus of Bruce Lee's Chinatown school, answers questions about the time he spent training with the founder of JKD.

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我们也很想知道王力宏的下张专辑会是什么样。何维健即将发行他的第一张专辑。We're also wondering what Wang Lee Hom will come up with next, while Project Superstar alumnus Derrick Hoh is set to release his debut album.

扎威尔是加利福尼亚理工学院教师及校友中第27位获得诺贝尔奖的人,同时也是最近十年里第三位获此殊荣的学院教师。Zewail is the 27th Caltech faculty member or alumnus to receive the Nobel Prize, and the third faculty member to be so honored in this decade.

他飞奔出房间,迅速叫来了张铁军,再过几分钟,阮振球和一位校友也跌跌撞撞地跑了过来。He dashes the room, was called an invincible army rapidly, crossed several minutes again, Ruan Zhenqiu and an alumnus totteringly has also run.