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我们如何教育一位政治家?How do we educate potential statesmen?

那也是伟大政治家的一项美德。It is also a virtue of great statesmen.

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政治家们将在欧洲大陆上来往奔波。Statesmen will crisscross the Continent.

政治家很重视一个伙伴的坚定性和可靠性。Statesmen prize steadiness and reliability in a partner.

周总理是世界上最伟大的政治家之一。Premier Zhou was one of the great cest statesmen in the world.

全世界银行里已经碓满了我国政治家的钱”。The banks of the world are full of the money of our statesmen.

他的政治观是一种文人的政治观而非政治家的政治观。His political attitude belongs to man of letters not statesmen.

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两位政治家对世界的认识极不相同。The two statesmen differ greatly in their perceptions of the world.

丘吉尔是公认的最伟大的政治家和演说家之一。Churchill's is the most recognized one of the great orators and statesmen.

当今政客和政治家们养不养门客?。Nowadays do the politician and statesmen support a hanger-on of aristocrat?

孔子和西塞罗是古代中国和罗马著名的政治家和思想家。Confucius and Cicero were statesmen and ideologists of ancient China and Rome.

它是古典君王、政治家和军事家等的科学。It is the science of the ancient kings, statesmen and military strategist, etc.

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一些政治家像是本杰明·富兰克林和富兰克林·D·罗斯福就提倡打盹。Statesmen such as Benjamin Franklin and Franklin D. Roosevelt advocated napping.

作为一名备受尊敬的法官和政治家,约翰。诺恩声名远播。John went on and made a name for himself as a well respected judge and statesmen.

五六十年前,政治家们通常不会在公众场合谈论自己的事情。Five or six decades ago, statesmen did not usually talk about themselves in public.

从古至今,世界历史上很多政治家都对此策略轻车熟路。Many statesmen in world history have used the same tactics, dating back to ancient times.

他用似是而非的遁词为他的教义作辩护,说政治家必须象世人那样活著。He fences his doctrines with the specious plea that statesmen must live as the world lives.

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中外历史上许多著名的思想家、政治家对此都有精彩的阐释。Many famous thinkers and statesmen have such expounding in China and foreign countries history.

国务院工作人员前去查看电视和录像设备,以便检查之前录像内容。The statesmen went on to look at television and video tape equipment for playing back recordings.

在罗马共和国后期,宗教被政治家扭曲并滥用,成了他们争权夺利的工具。In late Republic, religion is abused by statesmen and thus becomes a tool used to fight for power.