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他们赢了。They win.

他们祈祷。They pray.

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他们争论。They argue.

他们抬杠。They bicker.

他们无精打采。They slouch.

人们窃笑。They titter.

他们会介意吗?Do they mind?

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他们拥抱。They embrace.

他们都十分轻松自如。They relaxed.

当然可能了!Yes they can.

他们神秘兮兮的眨眨眼。And they wink.

他们是逃兵吗?Had they fled?

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他们也想拥有这样的能力。So would they.

他们真是好人!They are good!

他们是陆地。They are land.

他们变得忙碌。They get busy.

他们憎恶它。They hated it.

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他们挣扎。They struggle.

他们信任我们。They trust us.

他们这样做了。This they did.