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浓密的树叶覆盖着群山。Dark foliage clothes the hills.

树叶正处于最茂盛的时期。The foliage was in its utmost luxuriance.

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蹲下把身子藏在紊乱的叶丛中。He crouched down among the tangled foliage.

夸里奇从茂密的树叶后看到了什么。He sees something through the dense foliage.

道路被浓密的树荫遮覆着。The road was arched over with thick foliage.

是城市园林绿化中常见的观叶植物。The urban landscape of common foliage plants.

亚利桑那木材,叶带蓝色,有。Arizona timber tree with bluish silvery foliage.

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欧洲种桑树,叶和果实为黑色。European mulberry having dark foliage and fruit.

漫长的秋季以色彩缤纷的树叶闻名。The long autumns are marked by colorful foliage.

侧柏提取物一般从叶子中制成。A Thuja extract is usually made from the foliage.

污染剥光了这些树的叶子。Pollution has stripped the trees of their foliage.

那些房屋设计得与绿叶很协调。The houses were designed to blend with the foliage.

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大树树叶的荫蔽使这个湖的景色变得模糊了。The foliage of the huge tree obscures the view of the lake.

杂木总是有趣的绘画题材。Trees and foliage are always interesting painting subjects.

没有人会忘记那个小女孩画的蓝色叶子。No one can forget the blue foliage drawed by the little girl.

我发现了这个有着红色叶子的树木醒目线。很漂亮!I spotted this eye-catching line of trees with red foliage. Nice!

这张足有11英尺宽的叶面据称是英国最大的叶子。Its believed to be the largest foliage in Britain with 11ft span.

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普卢默斯县为秋天树叶提供了一个特别长的季节。Plumas County offers a particularly long season for fall foliage.

三千多年的银杏树依然枝繁叶茂。This more-than-3,000-year-old gingko still has luxuriant foliage.

半重瓣的蓝到深紫色花。深绿色尖型叶。半迷你型。Semidouble blue purple. Pointed dark green foliage. Semiminiature.