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半透明和可塑性性能也很好。Translucency and malleability properties are also good.

延展性和可锻性是金属的两种重要加工性能。Two important working properties of metals are ductility and malleability.

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其它可以表明智商可塑性的是随着时间的推移智商会急速上升。Another indication of malleability is that I.Q. has risen sharply over time.

材料由于化学处理或物理变化丧失了柔韧性。A material's loss of malleability due to chemical treatment or physical change.

它有一个黄色的外观,其延展性是克拉有多高依赖。It has a yellowish appearance and its malleability is dependent on how high the carat is.

馅卷饼通常是用高筋面粉,以增加面团的延展性。Strudels are usually made with high-gluten flour to increase the malleability of the dough.

正是展性使金属在压力下永久变形而不断裂。It is malleability that allows metal to deform permanently under compression without rupture.

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该语言很好的延展性是它的一种优势,但同样也是其缺点所在。Part of the power that you see -- which is also a great weakness -- is the language's great malleability.

所以,我们只好去了解,颜色,延展性,密度这样的东西了。So we have to make do with knowing thing like the color and the malleability and the density and so forth.

玻璃金属最有前景的一个特征是高强度与高延伸性的结合。One of the most promising properties of glassy metals is their high strength combined with high malleability.

不锈钢延展性的度量单位,以检测不锈钢可以承受多高的变形极限。A measurement of the malleability of stainless steel in terms of the amount of deformation it will withstand before failure.

因此,生物支架应具备优异的生物相容性及可降解性,同时具有较好的加工及力学性能。Thus, scaffolds should have properties of wonderful biocompatibility and biodegradability, as well as good malleability and mechanical properties.

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作为合金元素加入钢中可使钢合金化,增加钢的强度、硬度、延展性、韧性和耐磨性等。As an alloy element, silicon manganese can alloy the steel, strengthen the intensity, hardness, malleability toughness and wearability of the steel.

电子商务的低成本高收益、开放性和拓展性在国际金融危机中更加凸显其价值。The low cost high income of electronic business affairs, open sex and develop malleability are in international banking crisis more highlight its value.

另外一个方面,神经可塑性似乎已经牢固地建立起来了,而且大脑具有超常的可塑性,从而经过一定时间后能够适应不同的环境。Secondly, neuroplasticity appears to be firmly established, and the brain has extraordinary malleability and is able to adapt to different contexts over time.

由于金属具有强度、可延性、韧性以及其它显著特性,因而在很大程度上已替代了其他种类的工程材料。Metals, which possess strength, ductility, malleability , and other remarkable properties, have supplanted classes of engineering materials to a considerable extent.

麻省理工学院可移动的走廊地图以及它们之间的联系。这个地图的延展性让人们可以对将探索的空间进行不同的安排,以发现未知地点。A movable map of the corridors of MIT and their relation. The malleability of this map allows different arrangements of space to be explored, to discover unknown places.

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安德鲁说现在并没有意识到当时自己正在被测试,或许是因为孩童记忆力的问题,这也许是对北京国际学校的一种证明。It is a testament to the International School of Beijing — or to the malleability of childhood memory — that Andrew now says he did not realize that he was being tested.

由于金属具有强度、延展性、韧性以及其它显著特性,因而在很大程度上已替代了其它种类的工程材料。Metals, which possess strength, ductility, malleability , and other remarkable properties, have supplanted other classes of engineering materials to a considerable extent.

正是这种碳的球状微观结构,使得球墨铸铁具有更加良好的展延性和抗冲击性,而铸铁内部的薄片形式导致铸铁没有展延性。It is this nodular microstructure of carbon in Ductile Iron which produces high ductility and shock resistance while the flake form of cast iron results in no malleability.