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如果告密者提供的消息是准确的,那么剩下的时间已经不多了。If the tipster was correct, time had already run out.

如果警察想破案的话,就要找到那个匿名的线人。The police need to find the anonymous tipster if they want to solve the crime.

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并保证为提供线索者的保密身份,并为其家人转移居住地提供方便等等。The offer also promised total privacy for the tipster as well as help being relocated, etc.

几天后,意大利反恐特警组救出了多兹尔将军,一名线人带领他们找到关押他的地点。Days later, Dozier was rescued by an Italian SWAT team, after a tipster led them to his location.

但“东家”德国奥博豪森水族馆明确表示,保罗不会“转会”。But Paul's keepers in Oberhausen, Germany, said the tentacled tipster was not on the transfer list.

期待阿森纳到来的同时,切尔西昔日名宿兼投注专家凯利-迪克森作出上述建议。That is the advice of Chelsea's resident tipster Kerry Dixon as he looks forward to the arrival of Arsenal.

盖伦集团发言人拒绝就线人或有关拉贾拉特南与线人打过交道的指控发表置评。A Galleon spokesman declined to comment on the informant or the allegation that Mr. Rajaratnam dealt with the tipster.

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他说,有关当局正在努力掌握线人的详细资料,确定她对这所房子的信息到底掌握多少。He said authorities were working to track down the tipster and determine how she had such detailed information on the house.

一位知情人说,一位朋友告诉他,伊拉克的屠宰场把血倒入这个湖里。One tipster told the tech blog Boing Boing that he was "told by a friend" that slaughterhouses in Iraq sometimes dump blood in canals.

世界杯动物预言帝的神预测又要开始啦!海龟预言帝预测东道主巴西将取得胜利。The animal oracle predictions for the World Cup have begun, with host nation Brazil getting a vote of confidence from its chosen turtle tipster.

写这篇文章的时候,我们依据的价格都是由流出的文件和撷图来的。As of this writing, all we have on the Nexus One in terms of pricing and sales plans comes to us in the form of leaked documents and tipster screenshots.

用人单位基于劳动者对其违反法律、法规规定的规章制度,向劳动行政管理部门举报而受到处罚后易导致对举报者的打击报复。The employer often takes vindictive acts on the tipster who reports the employer's violation of laws and regulations to the labor administrative departments.

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周二晚,官方结束了他们的搜索后已返回,目前已将调查的注意力转向线人,试图将线人带到当地执法部门和联邦调查局官员的家中。Officials ended their search Tuesday night and went home, with the focus of the investigation now turning to the tipster who led local law enforcement and FBI agents to the home.