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划啊,孩子们!划向岸。Pull for shore.

高高洒落在崖岸上。High on the rocky shore.

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海浪拍岸。The sea washes the shore.

啊,我能看到岸的彼方?When will I see the shore?

那是他在海滨找到的。He found them on the shore.

海水慢慢地漫上海岸。The sea crept up the shore.

如此频繁地出现在遥远的水滨。So often on a distant shore.

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沿岸,近岸,在岸边。Along, near, or by the shore.

游泳者游到了岸边。The swimmer gained the shore.

表面上看是---大海,茫无涯际。There is no shore in the sea.

适合所有现有的岸站。Fits all existing Shore stands.

我们把船用力拉向岸边。We tugged the boat in to shore.

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事实啥子时辰才能看到岸的彼方?。When will I. can see the shore?

波浪把我的小船冲离了海岸。Waves hit my boat off the shore.

海滨的细浪刷刷地冲刷着海滨沙滩。Small waves swished on the shore.

激浪轰隆隆地拍打着荒凉的海岸。Surf booms upon a desolate shore.

岸边都是泡沫。The shore was margined with foam.

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惊涛拍岸如雷鸣。The waves thunder upon the shore.

波浪拍击着海岸。The waves were beating the shore.

他的船拴在岸边,那一群Under the shore his boat was tied