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那件事可从该项事实中推断出。It is deducible from the fact.

在英吉利海峡海底凿隧道是一个大问题。It is a proposition deducible from basic postulates.

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这两个案件之间没有任何可推论的关系。There is no deducible connection between these two cases.

如果你的前提成立,那么结论就很容易推断出来了。If your premise is established, your conclusions are easily deducible.

如果你的前提成立,那么就很容易推断出你的结论了。If your premise is established, your conclusions are easily deducible.

对热电偶的基本定律的教学方法进行了研究,给出一个较为直观的学生容易掌握的推导方法。We probe into teaching of the basic laws, get an intuitionist deducible method which brings on student easily to hold it.

对美的这一说明可以从上面关于美是不涉及任何利害的愉悦的对象的说明中导出。This definition of the beautiful is deducible from the foregoing definition of it as an object of delight apart from any interest.

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重点研究了构成图元的线元间几何关系特征的判定方法与判定条件。The main research about its is geometrical relation's deducible method and condition between line units of which graphics unit consists.

内部所有的命题都不具有可逆性一个逻辑系统所具有的属性。Logic an attribute of a logical system that is so constituted that none of the propositions deducible from the axioms contradict one another.

生产和分配的规律,以及由这些规律推断出来的某些实际结论是本书的主题。The laws of Production and Distribution, and some of the practical consequences deducible from them, are the subject of the following treatise.

进化和系统发育是以化石的时序框架为基础的事实体系,而绝不可能单独通过任何数据分析就可推测。Evolution and phylogeny are a factual system based upon the temporal order framework of fossils, which by no means can be deducible solely by any data analysis.

然而,读者应该认识到,拟被采用作为定理的所有关于实数的性质都必须不借助于几何就能从公理推出。However , the reader should realize that all properties of real numbers that are to be accepted as theorems must be deducible froom the axioms without any reference to geometry.

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人们长期以来认为英语习语的意义不能从构成习语的组成单词的意义中推断出,其习惯意义与组成该习语的词汇的字面意义之间的关系是任意的。One enduring belief about the arbitrariness of English idioms is that they are non componential because their idiomatic meanings are not deducible from the meanings of their individual parts.

在理性多元论的情况下,为了使正义原则能够达成重叠共识,公共理性要求我们只诉诸于人们普遍接受的常识性信念和推理形式来推演正义原则。Under the circumstances of reasonable pluralism, public reasoning asks us to deduce just principles by the recognized universal beliefs and deducible forms so as to reach "overlapping consensus".