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显祖等人进入监狱。The progenitor and others into the prison.

勋伯格是一位现代音乐的先驱。Schoenberg was a progenitor of modern music.

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直立猿人是真人的祖先。Homo erectus is a progenitor of Homo sapiens.

他是一家名门望族的始祖。He was the progenitor of a distinguished family.

接下来,在第二阶段,初始进程创建一个管道。Next, in Phase 2, the progenitor creates a pipe.

它不再是干细胞而是祖细胞It's no longer a stem cell but it's a progenitor cell.

其先祖即为葛拉蒂,由皮格马利翁所创造的美女。Their Progenitor was Galatea, the woman created by Pygmalion.

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由先祖制作的活尸则继承其世系。Any Prometheans the Progenitor then creates inherit his Lineage.

这种不对称分裂的一个结果,是产生定向的祖细胞One result of this asymmetrical division is a committed progenitor cell.

听说,在彩虹的尽头就是祖灵的所在地。Hear of, at the end of the rainbow is the progenitor of the place spirit.

杜参遂答应在三天内医好继祖的病。Du the promised to cure in three days following the progenitor of the disease.

肥胖相关的高血压会影响内皮祖细胞的数量吗?。Does Obesity Related Hypertension Influence Endothelial Progenitor Cells Number?

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其先祖为西伯利亚巫医。它们的赠礼是浮暮之血肉。Their Progenitor was a Siberian shaman, and their Bestowment is Ephemeral Flesh.

华严寺水平比前两名低,但也是一个伟大的祖先。Huayan Monastery level than the top two spots lower, but also a great progenitor.

成熟个体中,心外膜来源的祖细胞分化形成心脏,但是一旦分化之后,这些祖细胞就进入休眠状态。In adults epicardium-derived progenitor cells line the heart, but have become dormant.

新形成的变种或许会从它的祖先遗传来某些特性的差异。The newly-formed variety would probably inherit from its progenitor some characteristic.

在祖细胞增殖能力增强过程中涉及三个Hox基因。Three Hox genes could be involved in the increased proliferation of the progenitor cells.

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这种细胞分化不仅产生一个定向祖细胞,还会产生另一个干细胞So this stem cell division leads to another stem cell as well as a committed progenitor cell.

唯一已知引起人致病的细小病毒是B19,其对红祖细胞有嗜性。The only known human pathogenic parvovirus , B19, has a tropism for erythroid progenitor cells.

其先祖为弗兰肯斯坦医生所创造的著名怪物。它们的赠礼是不洁之力。Their Progenitor was the famous Frankenstein's monster, and their Bestowment is Unholy Strength.