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李英不想再继续他的乳牛场主生涯。Marchy doesn't plan to resume the life of a dairyman.

星期二早上,杰克去为一名乳牛场主干活。On Tuesday morning Jack went and hired himself to a dairyman.

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奶牛场老板把死死盯在苔丝身上的目光移开,盯在他的妻子身上。The dairyman removed his hard gaze from Tess, and fixed it on his wife.

奶牛场老板停了嘴,听故事的人说了一两句话加以评论。The dairyman paused, and one or two words of comment came from the listeners.

傍晚时分,乳牛场主给了他满满一夸脱桶装牛奶作为酬劳。When evening came the dairyman gave him a quart pail full of milk for his services.

奶牛场老板克里克奶牛场里挤奶的男女工人们,生活得舒舒适适的,平平静静的,甚至是快快活活的。Dairyman Crick's household of maids and men lived on comfortably, placidly, even merrily.

那一次老板没有能够把那股味道分辨出来,还以为是巫术弄坏了黄油。The dairyman had not recognized the taste at that time, and thought the butter bewitched.

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她也不明白,为什么老板和他说话也叫他“先生”。She could not understand why he should be addressed as 'sir' even by the dairyman himself.

她跟在奶牛场老板克里克的后面走了,看见克莱尔仍然还留在那儿,心里感到了一种悲哀的满足。She followed Dairyman Crick, and had the mournful satisfaction of seeing that Clare remained behind.

柜台后的货架底层放着送奶员几分成钟前刚刚刚刚送到的一磅鲜黄油。On the bottom shelf behind the counter was a pound of fresh butter left by the dairyman minutes before.

来自候得之牛乳业者,包含华盛顿特区与政策和法令有关的新闻讯息。From Hoard's Dairyman , and includes news information on dairy activities in Washington, DC concerning policy and regulation.

养牛人霍尔德斯表示,小牛诞生之初,他还以为是两只牛,“这是我见过的最奇怪的事情”。During the calf's birth, Heldreth said he first thought there were two calves. "It's the craziest thing I've ever seen, " the dairyman said.

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其他的挤奶女工和老板自己,通常都要在床上多躺一会儿,要过了一刻钟才会露面。The remaining maids and the dairyman usually gave themselves another turn on the pillow, and did not appear till a quarter of an hour later.

她们看见奶牛场老板克里克先生在屋子里直跺脚,原来是他收到了一位顾客的来信,信中抱怨他生产的黄油带有一股怪味。Dairyman Crick was discovered stamping about the house. He had received a letter, in which a customer had complained that the butter had a twang.

奶牛场的克里克老板和其他的人呆在一起,在铅灰色的暮色的映衬下,他身上的围裙闪着白色的光,突然,他掏出他那块沉甸甸的怀表看了看。Dairyman Crick, who was there with the rest, his wrapper gleaming miraculously white against a leaden evening sky, suddenly looked at his heavy watch.

大约在这个时候,他们听到了奶牛场老板克里克说话的声音,责备那些不住在奶牛场里的工人来晚了,又骂年老的德波娜·费安德尔没有洗手。About this time they would hear Dairyman Crick's voice, lecturing the non-resident milkers for arriving late, and speaking sharply to old Deborah Fyander for not washing her hands.