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他执拗地拒绝他们的计划。He was obdurate to refuse their plan.

顽固的傲气和难消的憎恨交织着。Mixed with obdurate pride and steadfast hate.

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他在他的顽固拒绝听取我们的投诉。He was obdurate in his refusal to listen to our complaints.

这个孩子的悲惨遭遇即使最冷酷的心肠也会为之动情。The child's misery would move even the most obdurate heart.

第三部分人则是顽固地还要等着看。A third group were obdurate and still wanted to wait and see.

固有的偏见、执拗的观点与没有观点一样贫瘠可怜。Entrenched prejudices, obdurate opinions are as sterile as no opinions at all.

几个星期前,我有一个朋友受不了她那执迷不悟的老板了。A few weeks ago, I spoke to someone who had finally reached the end of her rope with an obdurate boss.

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那里是城市最初的回忆,哪怕在滴水穿石的时间面前,它也总是保持最执拗的姿态。Where the initial memories of the city, even in the face of resolve in time, it is always the most obdurate attitude.

但他也有顽固的质量在我见过如此多的人被吸引到谁计算机编程和逻辑思维。But he also has the obdurate quality I've seen in so many people who are drawn to computer programming and logical thinking.

解放战争成功,人们都开端了新的生活,而执拗的李彪依然陷在“锄奸”的苦恼中无法自拔!War of liberation success, people start a new life, while still trapped in LiBiao obdurate "anti-espionage" of distress cannot extricate oneself!

我应该明白,难道得到我受到很大的伤害再去教会吗,现在回到天父那里忏悔还是来得及的,我是因为什么还这么固执和执拗呢。I should understand, is my great harm to the church?Again, back to the Heavenly Father now there is time to confess, I also because what is so stubborn and obdurate.

可用于闭塞性脑血管病、中心性视网膜炎、动脉硬化、冠心病、梗塞前综合症、血栓性静脉炎等疾病。It can be used to treat obdurate cerebrovascular disease, centrically retinitis, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, pre-block syndrome, thrombophlebitis , etc.

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在十一月份的G-20峰会上,美国着手解决全球失衡问题,但是由于中国顽固地拒绝改变其汇率政策,此议题受阻。At the G-20 summit in November, the U.S. drive to deal with "global economic imbalances" was essentially thwarted by China's obdurate refusal to change its currency policy.

刀锋与王师北轮番背负马啸,鸡饭仔执拗的以为弩是不祥之物,执意不肯将其交给刀锋。Blade with the king to fascinate MaXiao, north division carried chicken rice seed obdurate thought crossbow is unlucky things, determined refused to give the land to blade.

相反,一个冷酷无情自私,对于别人的幸福或者不幸都完全熟视无睹的人,会是多么让人扫兴啊。And for a contrary reason, how disagreeable does he appear to be, whose hard and obdurate heart feels for himself only, but is altogether insensible to the happiness or misery of others!

大规模的,刺激性的,甚至害怕表示其目的是为了推翻一个极其顽固的政府,蔑视公众舆论,美国发动了史无前例而漫漫无期的越南战争。Massive, irritating and even scary expressions of it were vital in shaking an obdurate Government, contemptuous of public opinion, from its determination to pursue war ad infinitum in Vietnam.

最后,采用了双向插值的方法,依据领口线的形状所构成的封闭区域,进行三维衣领空间曲面三角网格化的造型。The thesis use the special method , according to the collar line form the obdurate area, trigonometry gridding the collar 3D interspace curve-side , complete the collar model's initial sculpt.

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并且对于桑希尔固执的相信IQ可以测出“具体的普遍智力”而非仅仅测出做IQ题的能力,这点也有很多著名的反对理论。But a more profound objection relates to Thornhill's obdurate belief that IQ is a true measure of "crystallised general intelligence" rather than just a measure of ability to perform in IQ tests.