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买水净化器。Buy a water purifier.

你有一个空气净化器首页?Do you have an air home purifier ?

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牛蒡为强力的净血剂。Burdock is a powerful blood purifier.

这个水箱有内置净水器。The sink has a built-in water purifier.

这样净化器,可以达到最好的效果。In this way purifier could achieve the best effect.

但净水器是一个您应该选择?But which water purifier is the one you should choose?

其作用原理与家用的空气净化器基本上是相同的。The effect is basically the same as the home air purifier.

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燃油分油机解体清洁,齿轮箱换油。Fuel oil purifier overhauled and cleaned, gear case oil renewed.

你知道我花了多长时间帮你买到净水器吗?Do you know how long it took me to find you that water purifier ?

该净化器仍然可以粉碎的东西,虽然很可惜不能攻击。The purifier can still smash stuff, though it sadly can't attack.

其工作原理与水之星净化器相似,但使用的是可充电电池。It works like the AquaStar purifier but has a rechargeable battery.

卡戎,我需要你进入那个房间打开净水装置。Charon, I need you to go into that chamber and turn on the purifier.

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本公司家用滤水器是通过美国卫生部饮用水标准合格。Household water purifier of American water standards APHA and USEPA.

其工作原理与水之星净化器相似,但使用的是可充电电池。It works like the AquaStar purifier but has a rechargeable battery.

个人空气净化机“空气补给”可用于各种环境。Personal air purifier"Air Supply" can be used in various environments.

净水器是必要的,大多数家庭在这些地区的世界。Water purifier is a necessity in most homes in these parts of the world.

他们还砸掉了我们家的小冰箱,窗户上的那台清洁器。They smashed our little refrigerator and the purifier unit over the window.

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她说这种净水器给她省了很多时间和金钱,还能让她保持健康。She says the water purifier saves her time and money, and keeps her healthy.

星骑士克萝丝,我需要你进入那个房间打开净水装置。Star Paladin Cross, I need you to go into that chamber and turn on the purifier.

它的灯泡式净水器以浸渍纳米银颗粒的稻壳灰制成。Its bulb-like purifier uses rice-husk ash impregnated with nano-silver particles.