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器宇轩昂。One's deportment is dignified.

她们太过高贵。They are simply too dignified.

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尊严的治安官当主席,身材笔挺。The Squire presided, dignified and tall.

他保持庄重威严的仪态。He preserved his grave and dignified bearing.

我希望你也是位孝顺,端庄的女孩。I hope you are also is filial, dignified girl.

市长的出席提高了这次重大活动的规格。The presence of the mayor dignified the occasion.

这身制服使他显得威严。The uniform imparts a dignified appearance to him.

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你是一个堂堂正正的中国人!You are one of the impressive and dignified Chinese!

石鼓文具有遒劲凝重的风格。Ancient Proses on Stones with Qiu Jin dignified style.

要想责难,要想体面地脱身,已经没有时间了。This is no time for reproaches or dignified farewells.

四周的大树使茅舍增辉。The cottage was dignified by the great trees around it.

你说了一些让人难忘的宽容并且高尚的话。You say something impressively forgiving and dignified.

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我们用体面的方法写这个词的可能性有多大?How can we possibly write about this in a dignified way?

我将在这更庄重的时尚中得到永生。I will be immortalized in a much more dignified fashion.

增加你的高度,衬托你的威仪。To increase your altitude or set off your dignified manner.

由我看来,这不过是用修饰词句把事实重述罢了。This seems to me only re-stating the fact in dignified language.

他把寥寥几册藏书美其名曰图书馆。He dignified a small collection of books by calling it a library.

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这张友好甚至高贵的脸过早的有了白发。This friendly and even dignified face has prematurely white hair.

全战是严肃的历史,以及大众接受的入门级别。Total War is simultaneously dignified history and entry-level pop.

没有丰年的前景,我们不可能看到瑞雪的端庄。There is no prospect of good harvest, we can not see Snow's dignified.