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达琳,很抱歉我伤害了你。Darlene , I'm sorry for hurting you.

据说达莉娜·艾蒂安很高兴,但身体脱水。Darlene Etienne was said to be happy but dehydrated.

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我的小学一年级老师,达莉娜·卓登,让我留了一级。My first-grade teacher, Darlene Dryden, held me back.

但达林爱唱唱歌的花朵背景主唱。But Darlene Love sang lead vocals with the Blossoms singing background.

达琳坐在她祖父的大腿上听他念催眠的故事。Darlene was sitting on her grandfather's lap as he read her a bedtime story.

如果没有像达莲娜·麦坎贝尔夫人这样的老师们,我就不可能取得今天的成绩。I would not be where I am today if it weren't for teachers like Darlene McCampbell.

旅途中,达伦和我轮流开车,这样才不会有人累垮。During the trip, Darlene and I took turns driving so that neither of us would tire out.

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从那年夏天决定和达琳一起住到现在已经三年了,我们成为了彼此最好的朋友。I had been friends with Darlene for three years when we decided to live together one summer.

回去的时候我让达琳驾驶汽车,因为她对路线更熟悉一些,但最后我们还是迷路了。When we had to go back, I told Darlene to drive because she knew the way back better than I.

美联社记者艾丽卡维尔纳,大林和朱莉对此文有贡献。Associated Press writers Erica Werner, Darlene Superville and Julie Pace contributed to this report.

当来自法国的达琳•库隆匆忙走进门的时候,她认出了托尼•加西亚微笑的面孔。When Darlene Coulon from France came dashing through the door, she recognized Tony Garcia's smiling face.

法国的达琳·库隆匆忙走进门的时候,她认出了托尼·加西亚微笑的面孔。B. When Darlene Coulon from France came dashing through the door, she recognized Tony Garcia's smiling face.

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一条前臂上出现表示钟情的心形花纹的蓝色轮廊,上面以红色的笔迹横写着多琳的名字。On one forearm was the blue outline of a valentine heart with the name darlene written stantingly across it in red script.

达林希收集她的厨房,星期一,2010年6月7日项目后,龙卷风摧毁了她在米尔伯里,俄亥俄州的家。Darlene Sheehy collects items from her kitchen, Monday, June 7, 2010, after a tornado destroyed her home in Millbury, Ohio.

电视记者达琳·凯文莉亚运行一个受欢迎的网站,即所谓的科学啦啦队,同时也是一位公民科学的主要倡导者。Darlene Cavalier is a television journalist who runs a popular site called Science Cheerleader and is a leading advocate for citizen science.