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油漆干了后,涂一层发红的土黄色乳胶漆。Once the paint is dry, apply a coat of the red ochre emulsion paint.

中国那赭色的天空和令人疑虑的卫生设施想必该受到指责吧?Surely the ochre skies and suspect sanitation of China were to blame?

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经烧制后其颜色从淡赭到红色不等的粗而多孔的黏土。Clay that, when fired, assumes a colour ranging from dull ochre to red.

西奥的胡子偏黄褐色而非赭红色,这点也可说明。The colour of Theo's beard, more ochre than red, is also an indication.

大大的圆形餐盘和碗,都是用与整座平原相同的赭土所制成。Great round platters and bowls, made of the same ochre dust as the plain.

他们身边的树已经开始换颜色了,满是一片赭色,鲜黄和猩红的色彩。Around them, the trees had started to turn, ochre and orange, scarlet red.

“赤峰”因城区东北角有一座赭红色的山峰而得名。"Chifeng" because there is a city northeastern red ochre peaks of the name.

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目的研究赭石水煎液的止血作用,探讨其可能的作用机理。Objective To study the hemostatic effect of ochre and to explore its mechanism.

内部和外部的船只进行平滑和红色赭石采用滑动。The inside and outside of the vessel were smoothed and red ochre slip was applied.

红色、蓝色以及土黄色的小块方石被嵌成几何图形和花型图案。Small red, blue and ochre square stones are patterned in geometric and floral designs.

俄罗斯学者普遍认为赭石岩画与石板墓的年代相当。Many Russia scholars believe ochre petroglyph were at the same age as slab-stone tombs'.

全幅以浅赭色为基调,画面显得极为柔和。A light ochre provides the basic color scheme and infuses the painting with a warm softness.

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它身体的上部是橄榄绿色的而下部是黄色的,胸部有一点淡赭色。Its upper parts are olive-green and the underparts are yellow with an ochre tint to the breast.

她们的唇膏是用氧化铁和赭色的黏土做成的糊状物,或者是在橄榄油中拌入蜂蜡而成的。Their lipsticks were a paste made with red iron oxide and ochre clays or olive oil with beeswax.

一位不知名的孟加拉人,身穿赭色的僧袍,进入了房间,坐在地板上。An unknown Bengali , dressed in the ochre cloth of a monk, entered the room and sat on the floor.

山脊是赭红色,在烈日的烤照下,真像是在燃烧的火焰。Under the burning sun the reddish ochre ridge-tops of the mountain really do appear to be aflame.

他们描绘他们的脸和机构与赭石和粘土,重新颁布的事迹而在神话般的过去。They paint their faces and bodies with ochre and clay, re-enacting the deeds of beings in the mythical past.

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她两手抓住赭色的栏干,身体朝前倾去,仿佛她要跟栏干保持一定距离似的。She held on to the ochre bannister with both hands, leaning forward, as if she were keeping it at arm’s length.

仪式完成了,门徒从古鲁那里得到一条缠腰带和一件赭色的僧袍,象征着他的新生命。The rites completed, the disciple received from the guru the loincloth and ochre robe, the emblems of his new life.

事实上,这鲜亮的赭石色来自一个盐度非常高的冰川下湖泊,Quora的用户阿迪蒂亚•巴德瓦杰这样解释。In fact, the brilliant ochre tint comes from an extremely salty sub-glacial lake, explains Quora user Aditya Bhardwaj.