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我下了超过他的赌注。I doubled his bet.

他握紧双拳。He doubled his fists.

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他以二垒打使他进第三垒He doubled him to third.

她疼得直不起腰来。She doubled over with pain.

那船绕过合恩角。The ship doubled Cape Horn.

存货倍增。Goods in storage are doubled.

他以二垒打获得了取胜的一分。He doubled in the winning run.

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卡特在一垒被连杀出局。Carter was doubled up at first.

我们的钱在两年后增加了一倍。Our money doubled in two years.

他愤怒地握紧拳头。He doubled up his fists in anger.

产量成倍增长。Output has doubled and redoubled.

稻米的价格很快翻了一番。The price of rice quickly doubled.

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房价已经在全国范围内翻倍了。Home prices have doubled nationally.

在这里,陈述的声音开始分裂成。What we see here is a doubled voice.

他弯起腿又伸开。He doubled up his legs and kicked out.

她的婴儿在一年内体重增加了一倍。Her baby doubled its weight in a year.

双倍的暗黑收割者伤害。Doubled the Dark Reapers Ranged Damages.

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他因受击而疼得弯下了身。He doubled up with the pain of the blow.

船长知道船的载货量已经超出一倍了。He knew he exceeded that. He doubled it.

他的左胳膊压在脑袋下面。His left arm was doubled under his head.