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辛克莱尔•路易斯即是其中之一。One such writer was Sinclair Lewis.

辛克莱把它称为生存基因。Sinclair calls these survival genes.

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辛克莱尔担任右卫而坎波推上中场。Sinclair goes to right-back and Campo into midfield.

辛克莱博士没有说明自己服用的白藜芦醇的来源。Dr. Sinclair declined to name his source of resveratrol.

但是辛克莱·刘易斯把它写成了辛辣的讽刺作品。But with Sinclair Lewis, it became simply burning satire.

他的美术老师是唐娜福尔斯丘奇高中辛克莱。His art teacher is Donna Sinclair of Falls Church High School.

辛克莱会嫁给有钱人,然后谋财害命。Sinclair marries wealthy men and murders them for inheritance.

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就是这些sirtuin超级刺激物引起了辛克莱博士的兴趣。It is these sirtuin super-stimulators that interest Dr Sinclair.

直到辛克莱禁区斜角的梦幻施射才破门。That was until Sinclair cracked it home with a fantastic diagonal shot.

辛克莱尔同样在禁区里1对1时错失良机。Sinclair also just missed the target when one on one with the goalkeeper.

迄今为止,辛克莱和其他人已经确认了人体中十二种类似的基因。So far, Sinclair and others have identified a dozen similar genes in people.

之后他向IMF和他的妻子,法国电视台名人记者安妮-辛克莱尔道歉。He apologised to IMF staff and his wife, French TV personality Anne Sinclair.

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辛克莱博士却声称在Sirtris公司内部的实验已经基本上证明了这一点。Dr. Sinclair said experiments at Sirtris had essentially wrapped up this point.

辛克莱教授认为研究人员在这方面的研究还有很长的路要走。Professor Sinclair says researchers are a long way from developing such a thing.

辛克莱审视着那张不动声色的精明的脸庞,试图寻找任何冷嘲的迹象,但是却什么都没发现。Sinclair examined the closed, clever face for any hint of irony, but found none.

他的小说采用黑色幽默的口吻,解读美国的社会现状和文化底蕴的。Sinclair Lewis' novels are darkly funny examinations of American society and culture.

记者通过斯特劳斯-卡恩的顾问几次联系辛克莱均告失败。Repeated efforts to reach Ms. Sinclair through advisers to her husband were unsuccessful.

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其他人,何塞。博辛瓦要了17号,斯科特。辛克莱尔穿上了16号。Elsewhere, José Bosingwa takes the number 17 jersey, and Scott Sinclair moves to number 16.

图中就是辛克莱尔和科明斯。16岁的斯托奇从斯洛文尼亚转会而来。Sinclair and Cummings are pictured. 16 year old Stoch was signed in the summer from Slovakia.

克罗夫特同样替换星克莱上场并马上让德尔奥尔诺吃到了黄牌。Croft also replaced Sinclair and immediately drew a booking out of Del Horno who dived in late.