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你可以在书报摊买到。You can buy it at newsstand.

当下不再劝说,向南亭走去。At present no persuasion, South newsstand.

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慢跑到附近的书报摊瞧一瞧吧。Jog over to your newsstand and take a peek.

在报摊附近站着一个身穿制服的女人。Standing near a newsstand was a woman in a uniform.

她的魅力还“伸向”了书报摊。Her allure could also be clearly seen on the newsstand.

眼下,我们要立即进行一次新的报摊零售分析。Now, we need a newsstand circ analysis done immediately.

在他回家的路上,他来到报摊买了份报纸。On his way home, he stops at a newsstand and buys a paper.

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嗨!嗨!然后一切结束了我走向报亭。Hey-hey! And then to top it off, I walked to the newsstand.

至于卫生纸,我就取用当地报箱的免费报纸。For toilet roll, I'd relieve the local newsstand of its papers.

这需要在以后在好莱坞和藤报刊亭午夜进行。It takes place after midnight at the newsstand at Hollywood and Vine.

即使在大雨或者暴雪的日子里,他的报摊也从未停止过营业。His newsstand never stops operation, even during rainy or heavy snow days.

第一幅图是订户版本的封面,第二幅图是文字原稿,第三幅图是售报处的版本。The second is the original composition. The third is the newsstand edition.

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你可以找到自行车审查杂志的报摊和在不同的网站。You can find bike reviews in magazines on the newsstand and on different websites.

他随后结束营业,迁至悉尼,并在林暋的报刊亭帮工。He then closed, moved to Sydney, and the whereabouts of the newsstand workers in the forest.

史密斯先生告诉大家哈奇先生曾帮他看报摊,让他去看医生。Mr. Smith told everyone how Mr. Hatch had watched his newsstand so he could visit the doctor.

来自和谷歌谈判一些媒体企业的高管透漏一些“报摊”业务中风险的细节,但是具体什么时候无法确定。Media executives who have talked to Google say details of the newsstand venture and its timing remain vague.

既然每日有这么多的专业杂志穿梭在这个区域,书报亭洗牌成为一个非常活跃的游戏。Since so many magazine professionals walked through the station daily, Newsstand Shuffle became a very lively game.

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这就是为什么订阅投递上门的报纸的读者是如此宝贵,而订阅杂志的读者比在报摊买杂志的人更有价值。That’s why home delivery newspaper readers are so valuable, and why magazine subscribers are worth more than newsstand ones.

我记不太清楚哪个报摊上有本叫“无情老板”的杂志了,但是我如果买了有了它我可能会更有钱。I don’t recall seeing a magazine called Hard-Hearted Boss on the newsstand back then, but I’d probably be wealthier if I had.

参与了这个报道讨论的人说这个数字新闻商店可能在几个月内就开张,也有可能这个谈判将失败。People involved in the discussions reportedly said the digital newsstand could open as soon as in a few months, or the talks could fall apart altogether.