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对于个人品质来说也有这样一种外形吗?Is there such a form for personhood?

消除企业的“人格权”。Remove the " personhood rights" of corporations.

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法律人格争论不仅仅提出了一个医学问题。And it's not just medical questions raised by personhood laws.

2008年和2010年,在科罗拉多州的选举中,这样的争论导致了支持"人格定义修正案"的候选人的落败。Arguments like that helped defeat personhood amendments in Colorado in 2008 and 2010.

人格美国组织"希望到2012年以前,能够在美国近一半的州的选举表决项目里,把他们的提案包括进去。Personhood USA hopes to get proposals on the ballot in nearly half the states by 2012.

堂堂正正做人,踏踏实实工作,认认真真学习,快快乐乐生活。The open and aboveboard personhood , the steadfast work , studies earnestly , joyful life.

独处是人生的趣味所在,它让人感受到所有经历的真实韵味。Solitude is the salt of personhood. It brings out the authentic flavor of every experience.

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谢晋还有一句名言,那就是“清清白白做人,认认真真演戏”。Xie Jin also has a famous saying, that is "the pure personhood , acts in a play earnestly".

这一刻就是我肉体的灭亡,我的存在的停止,我作为人的消亡。And so the very same moment will be the end of my body, the end of my existence,the end of my personhood.

在布莱克门看来,宪法和司法先例都未能赋予胎儿人格。In Blackmun's view the constitution and judicial precedent failed to establish that personhood applied to the unborn.

他们用文化和社会术语来谈论鲸鱼和海豚,称鲸目动物拥有人格性品质。They talk of whales and dolphins in terms of cultures and societies, and say cetaceans possess qualities of personhood.

这份长达三页的决议提到了公民团结,抵押品赎回权的取消,财富分配平等,埃及和个体合作的字眼。It's a three-page resolution mentioning Citizens United, foreclosures, wealth inequality, Egypt and corporate personhood.

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天生以新购入的古董车接载女友往游车河,一敏责天生做人欠方案。Born in new purchases antique cars to meet load girlfriend ride, a principal naturally personhood owe scheme sensitization.

要权利要有做人的权利就要跟一切人间的罪恶勇敢无畏的短兵相接!Wants the right to have to have personhood 's right to have with all world evil brave dauntless engaging in hand-to-hand combat!

他或她将被人格化,自己的独特和人格都被阻碍?Would he or she be depersonalized, deprived of any possibility ever of developing their own unique sense of identity and personhood?

人格法案的支持者说,该法案管不到体外受精,但也不会允许未使用的胚胎遭到破坏。Personhood supporters say the measure would not ban in-vitro fertilisation, but neither would it permit unused embryos to be destroyed.

奥秘是神恩典的礼物,也是神藉以把我们打造成积极思想者的策略。A mystery is a gift of God's grace. It's His strategy to shape us into maximum personhood by molding us into positive-thinking individuals.

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美国公民自由联盟的律师基思-梅森说,禁止堕胎与各种生育控制方法,正是"人格地位"支持者一直坚守的想法。ACLU attorney Kolbi-Molinas says that banning forms of birth control along with abortion is exactly what the personhood backers have in mind.

尽管大脑的运转问题,确定了人们最基本的疑问,那就是我们绝不可能知道每样事情。T¬he workings of the brain, however, determine such fundamental questions about personhood that we may never know everything about what's going on.

虽然"美国人格地位"的梅森说,他不认为他们的建议会干扰到大多数的节育方法,同时,他也不否认有些节育方法可能因此受到影响。And while Mason of Personhood USA says he doesn't think his proposals would interfere with most forms of birth control, he doesn't deny that some could.