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1943年,聂鲁达前往秘鲁。In 1943 Neruda went to Peru.

我的目的地是秘鲁利马。My destination is Limas, Peru.

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秘鲁莫希女性木乃伊之墓The Moche woman's tomb in Peru

这听起来好像你喜欢秘鲁。It sounds as though you enjoyed Peru.

蜘蛛,在秘鲁的纳斯卡线之一。The Spider, one of the Nazca Lines in Peru.

拉里和我在秘鲁维吉和比尔。Larry and I were in Peru with Vikki and Bill.

这是举世公认的事实。It is the fact acknowledged from China to Peru.

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秘鲁蓝欧泊是近年来新出现的宝石品种。Blue opal from Peru is a new variety of gemstone.

乌鲁班巴附近的一,秘鲁土豆的农民手中。The hands of a potato farmer near Urubamba, Peru.

而秘鲁却反驳那只是一个捕鱼协议。These were just fishing agreements, retorts Peru.

他已经航行经过像委内瑞拉和秘鲁这样的地方。He has voyaged through places like Venezuela and Peru.

下一个锦标赛应该在秘鲁或者俄罗斯!Put the next tourney in Peru or Russia! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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该研究中,秘鲁的“地下经济”占比在所有国家中排名第四。In the study, Peru has the fourth-largest shadow economy.

如果她没有来委内瑞拉,可能去了秘鲁。Si ella no hubiera venido a Venezuela, habría ido a Perú.

她们正在去秘鲁的另一个叫做布卡尔巴市的路上。They were on their way to Pucallpa, another town in Peru.

一张从空中拍到的著名的秘鲁南部纳斯卡线的照片。An aerial view shows the famed Nasca Lines of southern Peru.

秘鲁的两种知名动物很容易被弄混。It is easy to confuse the two most well known animals in Peru.

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另一个提供银行卡网络服务的万事达卡在波兰和秘鲁很流行。MasterCard, another card network, is active in Poland and Peru.

我们切望秘鲁恢复宪政形式。We are anxious to see a return to constitutional forms in peru.

这么多的俄罗斯人想要去秘鲁,是件挺奇怪的事情。It seemed strange that so many Russians would want to go to Peru.