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现在,我们菜已经上了灶头!Now we re cooking!

你是一个大骗子。You' re a big liar.

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你回得早啊!You' re back early!

我觉得您挺棒的。I think you"re great."

今日你觉得怎么样?。How re you feeling tody?

我认为你是不合纰缪的。I don't think you re right.

鲨鱼还是吊在那里。The shark still hung the re.

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我们很高兴你的到来。We' re glad you could Conle.

你知道你是个绝色美女。You know, you re a knockout.

重化窗口句柄。Handle to the re drawn window.

噢,你是个好色之徒,宝贝。Oh, you"re a womanizer, baby".

重新派神杀死他。Re sends the gods to slay him.

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对质量问题我深表遗憾。I re GREt this quality problem.

他们是可爱和有趣儿。They"re lovely and interesting."

你是我的儿子。我,戴夫波义耳的。You ' re my son. me, dave boyle.

今天你聪明起来了。You' re being very clever today.

缱你现在只是太忙了。You ' re just too busy right now.

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那些军人们都到哪儿去了?Whe re have all the soldiers gone?

年夜厅里的人很少。There' re so few people in the hall.

我们以分期付款方式购买一台电视机。We' re buying a TV on hire-purchase.