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如果你还不能确认的话,建议重读一遍那章书。Go reread that chapter if you're not sure.

他的短篇小说和剧作我百读不厌。I read and reread his short stories and plays.

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我真想念你,你的信,我都看了又看。I miss you. I read and reread all your letters.

我把这一章读了又读,但还是读不进去。I've read and reread the chapter, but it won't go in.

重读我的信件,用手在耳边窝成杯状。Reread the letters, with your hand cupped over your ear.

在她童年的一段时间里,她每年都会重读狄更斯的全部作品。For a period of her childhood she reread all of Dickens annually.

信任慢慢回到她心里,她又把信仔仔细细读了一次。Slowly faith came back to her, and she reread the letter carefully.

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重新阅读一下辞职信,也找一个冷静的朋友或是家人好好审视一下。Reread it, and also have a level-headed friend or family member review it.

在哪些页上,你看到了人的脚指头呢?再读一遍故事,想想哪种动物的脚指头。On which pages do you see people's toes? As you reread the story, think about.

你可能想要再回顾一下第一章中关于学习技术的描述。You may want to reread the descriptions of learning and technology in that chapter.

我一般会跳过那些不感兴趣的话题而详读那些好的观点。I often reread slowly really good ideas and blur over things that don't interest me.

花苹重读昔日的情信,回想旧日甜蜜回忆。Take apple to reread the former feeling letters, to remember the old sweet memories.

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超时让您可以确保此值总是可以重新读取自您的数据中心。The timeout allows you to ensure that the value is always reread from your data source.

我重温这部分记录时不明白是什么使他高兴。As I reread the transcripts at this remove the source of his pleasure is not self-evident.

从现在开始,通过轮询来确实文件是否需要重新读取的方法应该作为古董了。So there's no need to poll the file any longer to determine whether it needs to be reread.

当她重读我1986年的那篇文章时,发现有些男生的评论“令人震惊”。When she reread my 1986 Journal article, she found some of the boys' comments 'appalling.'

重读“成就”的含义,我发现它包含着“工作”与“努力”两个词汇。Reread the definition of achievement again. Notice that it contains the words work and effort.

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下课后或实验后,我会把笔记重温一遍,以确保它们清楚易读及我能明白它的意思.。After a lecture or lab I reread my notes to make sure they are legible and that I understand them.

当你正在快速阅读时,主要的是保持继续阅读下去,不要停下去重读某个内容。When you are speed reading, the main point is to keep moving forward and not stop to reread something.

我们建议你在闲暇的安静时光里反复来读读这些问题。We recommend that you read and reread these questions regularly when you have some quiet time to think.